MichaelAxtmann / cpp-TimSort

A C++ implementation of timsort

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A C++ implementation of TimSort, an O(n log n) stable sorting algorithm, ported from Python's and OpenJDK's.

See also the following links for a detailed description of TimSort:

This library is compatible with C++11. If you need a C++98 version, you can check the 1.x.y branch of this repository.

According to the benchmarks, it is slower than std::sort() on randomized sequences, but faster on partially-sorted ones. gfx::timsort should be usable as a drop-in replacement for std::stable_sort, with the difference that it can't fallback to a O(n log² n) algorithm when there isn't enough extra heap memory available.

gfx::timsort also has a few additional features and guarantees compared to std::stable_sort:

  • It can take a projection function after the comparison function. The support is a bit rougher than in the linked article or the C++20 standard library: unless std::invoke is available, only instances of types callable with parentheses can be used, there is no support for pointer to members.
  • It can also be passed a range instead of a pair of iterators, in which case it will sort the whole range.
  • This implementation of timsort notably avoids using the postfix ++ or -- operators: only their prefix equivalents are used, which means that timsort will work even if the postfix operators are not present or return an incompatible type such as void.

The full list of available signatures is as follows (in namespace gfx):

// Overloads taking a pair of iterators

template <typename RandomAccessIterator>
void timsort(RandomAccessIterator const first, RandomAccessIterator const last);

template <typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
void timsort(RandomAccessIterator const first, RandomAccessIterator const last,
             Compare compare);

template <typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare, typename Projection>
void timsort(RandomAccessIterator const first, RandomAccessIterator const last,
             Compare compare, Projection projection);

// Overloads taking a range

template <typename RandomAccessRange>
void timsort(RandomAccessRange &range);

template <typename RandomAccessRange, typename Compare>
void timsort(RandomAccessRange &range, Compare compare);

template <typename RandomAccessRange, typename Compare, typename Projection>
void timsort(RandomAccessRange &range, Compare compare, Projection projection);


Example of using timsort with a comparison function and a projection function to sort a vector of strings by length:

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <gfx/timsort.hpp>

size_t len(const std::string& str) {
    return str.size();

// Sort a vector of strings by length
std::vector<std::string> collection = { /* ... */ };
gfx::timsort(collection, std::less<std::string>{}, &len);


The library has been tested with the following compilers:

  • GCC 5
  • Clang 3.8
  • The AppleClang version that ships with Xcode 8.3
  • MSVC 2017 update 9

It should also work with more recent compilers, and most likely with some older compilers too.

The library can be installed on the system via CMake with the following commands:

cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cd build
make install

Alternatively the library is also available on conan-center-index and can be installed in your local Conan cache via the following command:

conan install timsort/2.0.0


A few configuration macros allow gfx::timsort to emit diagnostic, which might be helpful to diagnose issues:

  • Defining GFX_TIMSORT_ENABLE_ASSERT inserts assertions in key locations in the algorithm to avoid logic errors.
  • Defining GFX_TIMSORT_ENABLE_LOG inserts logs in key locations, which allow to follow more closely the flow of the algorithm.

cpp-TimSort follows semantic versioning and provides the following macros to retrieve the current major, minor and patch versions:



The tests are written with Catch2 (branch 1.x) and can be compiled with CMake and run through CTest.

When using the project's main CMakeLists.txt, the CMake variable BUILD_TESTING is ON by default unless the project is included as a subdirectory. The following CMake variables are available to change the way the tests are built with CMake:

  • GFX_TIMSORT_USE_VALGRIND: if ON, the tests will be run through Valgrind (OFF by default)
  • GFX_TIMSORT_SANITIZE: this variable takes a comma-separated list of sanitizers options to run the tests (empty by default)


Benchmarks are available in the benchmarks subdirectory, and can be constructed directly by passing BUILD_BENCHMARKS=ON variable to CMake during the configuration step.

Example output (timing scale: sec.):

c++ -v
Apple LLVM version 7.0.0 (clang-700.0.72)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin14.5.0
Thread model: posix
c++ -I. -Wall -Wextra -g  -DNDEBUG -O2 -std=c++11 example/bench.cpp -o .bin/bench
size	100000
std::sort        0.695253
std::stable_sort 0.868916
timsort          1.255825
size	100000
std::sort        3.438217
std::stable_sort 4.122629
timsort          5.791845
size	100000
std::sort        0.045461
std::stable_sort 0.575431
timsort          0.019139
size	100000
std::sort        0.586707
std::stable_sort 2.715778
timsort          0.345099
size	100000
std::sort        0.021876
std::stable_sort 0.087993
timsort          0.008042
size	100000
std::sort        0.402458
std::stable_sort 2.436326
timsort          0.298639


A C++ implementation of timsort

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 77.4%Language:CMake 22.6%