Michael-Naguib / NumLib

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • I need code for the purposes listed in in the purposes section of this readme
  • More often than not I have just copied my old code and modified it in the new project as needed leaving a comment stating that it originated from another of my projects;
  • Now I will have an easy means of maintaining consistant code across projects as well as a standerdized implementation.


  • Access large quantities of numerical info from a constant
  • Display Data with plotting and graphing libraries


  • clone the repo then run the command:
  • python -m pip install -e NumLib
  • (running it this way ensures if you are using Anaconda Envs you can run this in an activated Env)

File NumLib.py class NumLib

  • Is a script for loading constants into attributes of the instance of NumLib
  • Constants can be redefined to change the file the code looks for number data in (WARNING this does not mean the parsing algorithm will understand the file)
  • (WARNING) for reasons pertaining to github's limit on file sizes pi-billion.txt is not provided in this repo... but can be obtained by a simple google search and finding MIT's publicly available link to a billion digits of pi. (https://stuff.mit.edu/afs/sipb/contrib/pi/pi-billion.txt) Using the wget insert-link-here command in linux may be helpfull... The author of this code cannot be held responsible for misuse of this link ... or any similar scenario pertaining to the download of such a large volume of data...
  • Notice! all other constant files were from public online sources; the author of this code in no way claims reliability nor authorship of these files.




  • loadPrimes loads numbers into self.primes
  • loadPhiDigits loads numbers into self.phiDigits
  • loadZetaZeros loads numbers into self.zetaZeros
  • loadPiDigits loads numbers into self.primes


  • add Euler's constant
  • add in Collatz Path length lookup data

File PlotUtil.py class PlotUtil

  • Previously in my other repos was called PlottingUtil this class combines the most useful (and best working) versions of my previous code
  • (friendly reminder )Do not forget %matplotlib notebook in matlab if plotting and that if using Jupyter Notebook the kernel may cache the library not actually updating any changes made to PlotUtil between runs... a kernel restart is needed.
  • class PlotUtil can be used in two different ways: as a static methods class as well as an object oriented class which holds data

methods (static use --> no init)

  • PlotUtil.plot({'name':'insert label name here','data':[[x data here],[y data here]]}): takes an object as described above and plots x points vs y with a random color
  • PlotUtil.plotSeries([{'name':'insert label name here','data':[[x data here],[y data here]]}]): similar to PlotUtil.plot() except it plots multiple data series and the first 3 colors are predefined then random colors


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%