Metacinnabar / Metacinnabar

My profile description as well as other things such as my device naming patterns and avatars/backgrounds.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hey there! 👋

Self-taught full-stack (mainly backend) programmer, studying at high-school.

💬 You can contact me here

  (~16h) 7am-11pm AEDT weekends, weekdays
  (~16h) 7am-11pm AEDT weekdays, weekends

📈 Here's some random GitHub stats...

github stats

📅 ...and what I've been working on for the last week!

wakatime stats

ℹ️ You can also find more information... my Discord server!

  • Channels to discuss my creations my personal GitHub repository!

  • Device naming scheme
  • SSH keys
  • Profile pictures and banners


My profile description as well as other things such as my device naming patterns and avatars/backgrounds.

License:MIT License