It's a tool that automates the process of testing websites against Sub-Domain TakeOver vulnerabilities.It's provided with 36 different services from @EdOverflow repo [ can-i-take-over-xyz ] and others that I've collected throughout my own experience ^_^
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
1-Collect alive SubDomains by ur own way
2-Fire up the script
3- Write ur alive sub domains list path
4- The output ( Vulnerable sub-domains ) will be saved in a txt file called (Vulnerable_SubDomains.txt)
Full output
Output's Report
This is the 1st version of this tool. We can all improve it together and I'll tell you how :
I've collected 36 different services so what we can do is collecting more and more services
when ever you face a new service that you could TakOver any of its subdomain and you would like to share it with the community you can DM me in twitter @Mesh3l_911
and give me the name of that service so that I add it up to the list of the next vesrion INSHAALLAH ^_^
دعواتكم لي ولوالدي ولمن أحب