MerreM / devops-test-colibri

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DevOps Tech Test


Please Clone this repository and push it up to your own github repository. Do not fork this repository


The following use case might be a real-life example from one of our customers, please deliver your best possible solution. Please go through the described scenario and write a script, in one of the below languages, implementing a fix to the issue below.

For the development of the scripts you have 4 hours and are allowed to use Google and any other material as long as the work submitted was written by you.

Use Case

  • A database upgrade requires the execution of numbered SQL scripts stored in a specified folder, named such as 045.createtable.sql
    • Sample scripts are provided in the dbscripts directory
  • The scripts may contain any simple SQL statement(s) to any table of your choice, e.g. INSERT INTO testTable VALUES("045.createtable.sql");
  • There may be gaps in the SQL file name numbering and there isn't always a . (dot) after the beginning number
  • The database upgrade is based on looking up the current version in the database and comparing this number to the numbers in the script names
  • The table where the current db version is stored is called versionTable, with a single row for the version, called version
  • If the version number from the db matches the highest number from the scripts then nothing is executed
  • All scripts that contain a number higher than the current db version will be executed against the database in numerical order
  • In addition, the database version table is updated after the script execution with the executed script's number
  • Your script will be executed automatically via a program, and must satisfy these command line input parameters exactly in order to run:
    • ./db-upgrade.your-lang directory-with-sql-scripts username-for-the-db db-host db-name db-password
    • Example (bash): ./ dbscripts myUser myDbServer techTestDB SuperSecretPassword1!


  • Supported Languages (No other languages will be accepted):
    • Bash
    • Python 3
    • Ruby 2.7
    • Powershell 7
  • You will have to use a MySQL 8.0 database

How would you implement this in order to create an automated solution to the above requirements?


Please send us:

  • a link to your github repository
  • any associated notes for our review

We will come back to you asap regarding next steps.

We are looking forward to your submission.

Environment Setup

Adding your solution

Add you submission to the submissionsscript directory.

This will make the script available within the container due to a volume mount within docker-compose.yml

Running the containers

To start the testing environment please run:

docker-compose up -d

This will create two containers called:

  • exec_container
  • mysql_container

Required language dependencies are installed in the exec_container, your solution should be invoked on the exec_container.

Adding script dependencies

Any other dependencies you require to complete the tech test should be added to the file in the root directory of the repository.

e.g. pip3 install mysql-client

This ensures they are automatically installed when the container is run. Once dependencies have been added to the file you must restart the environment for them to take effect.

docker compose restart -d

do not delete sleep infinity leave this as the last command in

Testing your script

Once you're ready to test you script you can connect to the exec_container. Due to the volume mount mentioned in adding your solution it will already be available within the exec-container.

docker exec -it exec_container /bin/bash

Run your script using

/submissionscript/<yourscript.lang> /scripts/ dev mysql_container devopstt 123456`

You can then run the automated test to check if successful

pytest /scripts/

Database credentials

The database credentials are set in docker-compose.yml and are as follows;

User: dev
Password: 123456
Database name: devopstt
Database host: mysql_container



Language:Python 95.7%Language:Shell 4.3%