MercheLorenzo / MercheLorenzo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi there 👋

An image of @merchelorenzo's Holopin badges, which is a link to view their full Holopin profile

About me...

  • 👯 Mercedes Lorenzo Aragón, 21, she/her

  • 🔭 I’m currently studying Computer Science in the University of Granada (UGR), in Spain

  • 🤔 I want to learn a lot about cybersecurity, servers, networks.. but I am interested about everything :)

  • 💬 I speak Spanish (native), English (Cambridge B2), French (B1), Chinese (A2/HSK2), Korean (A1), Italian (A1).. and currently learning. Love languages :)

  • 📫 How to reach me: @merche_lorenzo in both telegram and instagram

  • 🌱 My current objective is to add more Holopins to my collection, to upload more projects and to learn a lot in tryhackme (my user is DarkQueen2)

  • ⚡ My goal is to become a compenent programmer and travel around the world

  • I am learning a lot in TryhackMe, I participated many times in Hacktoberfests and also in CTFs

My TryHackMe


(It is not updated, you can check my profile :) )

Languages i've worked with (and always learning more)

C++ CSS3 HTML5 Java JavaScript LaTeX PHP PowerShell Python R Ruby Shell Script Windows Terminal YAML

IDEs I use

Atom Eclipse Jupyter Notebook NetBeans IDE Spyder Visual Studio Code

Databases I use

MariaDB MongoDB MySQL

Platforms I use to learn

Codecademy Duolingo edX GeeksForGeeks Udemy

Frameworks, platforms and libraries I used

Bootstrap Django DjangoREST Flask jQuery JWT NodeJS OpenCV OpenGL Qt React WordPress Yarn


Docker Arduino Cisco Notion

Operating systems I used

Debian Kali Kubuntu Linux Red Hat Rocky Linux Ubuntu Windows

Servers I worked with

Apache Gunicorn Nginx


Adobe Canva Inkscape Gimp Gnu Image Manipulation Program Sketch
