Mehmet Arslan (Mehmet3793)


Geek Repo

Location:North Carolina

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Mehmet Arslan's repositories


This Repository contains the most important parts of my Capstone Project. The project was to build and then compare the performance of traditional ML Algorithms to Deep Learning Algorithms on text data. I learned a lot about Natural Language Processing. Compiled all my findings in a 30-page report as well as my power point presentation.



Computational Statistics Semester Project



Basic Deep Learning type stuff. This is an example of utilizing CONVNETS with Max Pooling on the MNIST Dataset found in Keras

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


The purpose of this project was to build a Deep Learning architecture capable of recognizing human handwriting of digits of 0-9. This was a technically challenging project, but I am proud of the final results!

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


This is a simple project that I completed for my intro to Machine Learning Class using a Regression and Classification Problem to hone my coding and math skills.



This was a project where I helped a friend of mine gather data with a chronograph and then chart those findings to then utilize the Satterlee Method. The project itself is complete but we need to gather more complete data on our next outing to the range!



Scope of the project was to utilize analytical methods such as calculus and derivatives to try to approximate the Exponential Function through the use of a Taylor Series Expansion with a tolerance of 0.001



This is a project that I completed in my MATH 365 - Intro to Data Science course that I took in the fall of 2020. The scope of the project was to identify if there was a correlation between Turkish Airlines' stock price and their Superbowl ads. I learned many important skills through my investigations, chiefly how to communicate my discoveries.
