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Antinite is a zero dependency lightweight nano-services framework inside one node process.

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Antinite is a zero dependency lightweight nano-services framework inside one node process.

Raison d'être:

Its will be necessary to have sort of Seneca or Studio.js framework inside one process (without numbers of process and costly interprocess interaction) AND with some kind of ACL-based access control. Also system should represent services interaction logs on demand.


  • Layers (domains) to arrange services to logical groups
  • Services with explicit dependencies and exported function
  • Auto-resolving for all services dependencies
  • Available auto-init resolved services
  • Services request audit on demand
  • Extract current system graph on demand
  • Legacy helper for lazy refactoring
  • Async service initialization


npm install antinite



Short diagram to explain long code example

// first service file aka 'foo_service'
class FooService {
  getServiceConfig () { // IMPORTANT - convented function name for service config
    return ({
      require: {
        BarService: ['getBar'] // this is external dependency
      export: {
        execute: ['doFoo'] // this action will exported as 'execute' type (all types - 'execute', 'write', 'read')
      options: { // options for service
        injectRequire : true // inject require part to class itsels

  doFoo (where) {
    // always available require call
    let bar = this.doRequireCall('BarService', 'getBar') // call to remote service, convented function name
    // or with `options.injectRequire` = true
    let bars = this.BarService.getBar()

    return `${where} ${bar} and foo and ${bars}`

export default FooService
// first layer file aka 'services_layer'

import { Layer } from 'antinite'
import FooService from './foo_service'

const LAYER_NAME = 'service' // domain for services aka layer
const SERVICES = [ // services list
    name: 'FooService', // exported service name
    service: new FooService(), // service object
    acl: 711 // service rights (for system/layer/other)

let layerObj = new Layer(LAYER_NAME) // register layer
layerObj.addServices(SERVICES) // fulfill with services
// second service file aka 'bar_service'
class BarService {
  getServiceConfig () {
    return ({
      export: {
        read: ['getBar'] // this action will exported as 'read' type

  getBar () {
    return 'its bar'

export default BarService
// second layer file aka 'shared_layer'

import { Layer } from 'antinite'
import BarService from './bar_service'

const LAYER_NAME = 'shared'
const SERVICES = [
    name: 'BarService',
    service: new BarService(),
    acl: 764

let layerObj = new Layer(LAYER_NAME)
// main start point aka 'index'
import { System } from 'antinite'

// load layers, in ANY orders
import './services_layer'
import './shared_layer'

let antiniteSys = new System('mainSystem') // create system object to access any exported actions (system do 'require *', kind of)
  .then(function() {
    let res = antiniteSys.execute('service', 'FooService', 'doFoo', 'here') // system may call any service (BUT only if service rights allow it)

    console.log(res) // `here its bar and foo and its bar`


Antinite framework has some main parts - Layer and System and some helpers - Legacy, Auditor, Debugger and AntiniteToolkit.

Moreover antinite has service conception - any object, used in Layer as service, MUST declare configuration with getServiceConfig method and MAY declare initService to initialise service after all requires will be resolved and MAY use this.doRequireCall() to call other services - its will be injected at Layer init.


Antinite may use prepared object as service if it declare configuration. The are three reserved methods names getServiceConfig, initService and doRequireCall.

Declare configuration

getServiceConfig() {
  return ({
    require: {
      BarService: ['getBar']
    export: {
      execute: ['doFoo']
    options: {
      injectRequire : true

Service must declare public methods at 'export' part and used actions from another services in 'require' part.

Its may be some options for service, injectRequire allow to call actions from another services as part of service class, for example:

// without injection
let one = this.doRequireCall('BarService', 'getBar', 2, 3)
// with injection
let two = this.BarService.getBar(2, 3)

Its looks better and represents smooth code.

IMPORTANT! Injection throw error if object already have field with same name as required service.

Service initialization

// at service class constructor
constructor(){ = null // internal field of class
// and fill it when service resolve all requires
initService() { // IMPORTANT - convented function name for service init
  let bar = this.doRequireCall('BarService', 'getBar') // call to remote service, now its ready = bar

Also its available async initService as callback or promise

initService(done) { // async callback-style
  processDelayedOperation(() => {
initService() { // async promise-style
  return processDelayedOperationAsPromise()

Service may declare initService method at class to automatic execute it when all requires will be resolved but before all system will be ready.

IMPORTANT! do not change state of another services here, or hard to debug errors may accured here.

System startup

let antiniteSys = new System('mainSystem') // create system object to access any exported actions (system do 'require *', kind of)

  .then(() => {
    let res = antiniteSys.execute('service', 'FooService', 'doFoo', 'here') // f.e. general services start points


Main System object may set .onReady() promise-style listener, or callback-style .onReady(cb).

IMPORTANT! This async style strictly must be used if async initService() used!

Call required service

var res = this.doRequireCall(serviceName, actionName, ...args)

Service may call other services by serviceName and actionName pair with any arguments, if destination service allow access.

IMPORTANT! Service may have 'group' or 'other' part of ACL in case of in same or in different layers with destination service is it.

IMPORTANT! At auto resolving process Antinite do call to first granted service action (at different layers may be services with some name and different access rights)


Antinite use layers (or domains) to arrange same services and separate different.

Create layer object

import { Layer } from 'antinite'

let layerObj = new Layer(layerName)

Create new named layer.

Add services to layer


Add services list to layer

Services must be an array of object:

    name : 'FooService',
    service : new FooService(),
    acl : 711

IMPORTANT! Service must be an instance, not class.


Create system object

import { System } from 'antinite'
let antiniteSys = new System('mainSystem')

Create Antinite System object with own access level.

IMPORTANT! System ACL always is 'system' (first digit).

Execute action

let res = antiniteSys.execute(layerName, serviceName, actionName, ...args)

Do call to service action in particular layer with any arguments

Сheck is system are ready


Check all system (in current node process) to ensure all 'required' actions available (exists AND allowed to callers), otherwise throw an error.

Get unready services list


Return list of unready services. This method simplify unready service point.


To simplify legacy code refactoring to Antinite nano-services may be used Legacy helper

Get Legacy helper pointer

import { Legacy } from 'antinite'

Legacy helper join Layer and service at one place. Class must represent getServiceConfig() as ordinary service AND call to Legacy.register(), as Layer do it, for example at object constructor.

class LegacyService {

  registerAsLegacy() {
        layer: 'services',
        name : 'LegacyService',
        service: this,
        acl: 777

  getServiceConfig() {
    return ({
      require: {
        Logger: ['log'],
      export: {
        read: ['getStatus']

At result services.LegacyService was registered with getStatus exported function.

Limitations! By design original Layers must be unique, therefore all Layers MUST be required before any legacy objects. Nevertheless Legacy object will be added to original layers or will be create new and Legacy objects will be add until services names are unique.


Get auditor pointer

import { Auditor } from 'antinite'

Get Antinite Auditor pointer, not a object - due to optimization enhancements this system-wide (in current node process) item.

Its used to get inter-services interaction log.

Turn on/off audit


Set system audit mode on(true) or off(false).

IMPORTANT! Due to optimization enhancements this system-wide (in current node process) flag.

Get audit log


Get audit log.


[ { "message": "system.mainSystem (group |system|) call service.FooService.doFoo (mask 711, type |execute|)",
    "operation": "execute",
    "caller": { "layer": "system", "name": "mainSystem", "group": "system" },
     { "layer": "service",
       "name": "FooService",
       "action": "doFoo",
       "mask": 711,
       "type": "execute" },
    "args": [ "here" ],
    "id": 1,
    "timestamp": 1498051547810 },
  { "message": "service.FooService (group |other|) call shared.BarService.getBar (mask 764, type |read|)",
    "operation": "execute",
    "caller": { "layer": "service", "name": "FooService", "group": "other" },
     { "layer": "shared",
       "name": "BarService",
       "action": "getBar",
       "mask": 764,
       "type": "read" },
    "args": [],
    "id": 2,
    "timestamp": 1498051547811 } ]

Set audit log storage size


Set auditor log storage size.

IMPORTANT! Due to optimization enhancements this system-wide (in current node process) flag.


Get debugger pointer

import { Debugger } from antinite

Get Antinite Debugger pointer, not a object - due to optimization enhancements this system-wide (in current node process) item.

Its used to get internal Antinite log to help maintenance services

Turn on/off debug


Set system debug mode on(true) or off(false).

IMPORTANT! Due to optimization enhancements this system-wide (in current node process) flag.

IMPORTANT! To get all messages for 'require' resolving turn debugger on before import layers at main index.

Get debug log


Get debug log.


[ { "message": "OK: layer |service| add workers",
    "id": 1,
    "timestamp": 1498054839189 },
  { "message": "OK: access granted for service.FooService (group |other|) to shared.BarService.getBar (mask 764, type |read|)",
    "id": 2,
    "timestamp": 1498054839212 },
  { "message": "OK: layer |shared| add workers",
    "id": 3,
    "timestamp": 1498054839212 },
  { "message": "OK: access granted for system.mainSystem (group |system|) to service.FooService.doFoo (mask 711, type |execute|)",
    "id": 4,
    "timestamp": 1498054839213 } ]

Set debug log storage size


Set debugger log storage size.

IMPORTANT! Due to optimization enhancements this system-wide (in current node process) flag.


Get toolkit pointer

import { AntiniteToolkit } from antinite

This service part for develop and debug

Get current system graph


Return current system graph like this

    "name": "shared",
    "isReady": true,
    "services": [
        "name": "ConfigReader",
        "isReady": true,
        "acl": 751,
        "export": {
          "read": "execute",
          "getStatus": "read"
        "require": [
            "name": "Logger",
            "actions": {
              "log": {
                "isReady": true,
                "resolved": "shared"
        "name": "Logger",
        "isReady": true,
        "acl": 762,
        "export": {
          "log": "write"
        "require": []
    "name": "system",
    "isReady": true,
    "services": [
        "name": "Auditor",
        "isReady": true,
        "acl": 744,
        "export": {
          "getData": "read"...
        "require": []

This data may be used to visualize system, see online example, created by Antinite Visual Toolkit.

Data structure is simply - layers (or domain) at top, then services and its configuration. The isReady flag indicate layer or service successfully resolve all requests. The resolved field at service require section point to layer, where action will be resolved.

General Notes:

ACL bits

x w wx r rx rw rwx
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

ACL digit position

first second third
system group other

'system' - access level for system calls (system call service 'Foo' at layer 'Bazz')

'group' - access level for calls in some layer (service 'Foo' and 'Bar' at layer 'Bazz')

'other' - access level for calls from other layers (service 'Foo' at layer 'Bazz' and service 'Qux' at layer 'Waldo')

ACL example

741 - system has read, write and execute rights, services in some layer - read only, services from other layers - execute only


Antinite is a zero dependency lightweight nano-services framework inside one node process.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%