MediaComem / comem-webserv

COMEM+ Web Services course

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

COMEM+ Web Services course

The goal of this course is to teach the generic concept of web service, focusing on RESTful APIs as one way to expose such a service. You will:

  • Learn the core principles of the REST architectural style.
  • Learn how to implement a RESTful API in JavaScript.
  • Learn how to manage your source code on a collaborative platform.
  • Learn how to deploy your RESTful API on a cloud application platform.

This course is a COMEM+ web development course taught at HEIG-VD.


What you will need

Useful links


Web Service

Your REST API must be developed with the Express framework and use a MongoDB database. It must provide (at least):

  • The API must provide user management:
    • New users must be able to register.
    • Existing users must be able to authenticate (to allow users to log in).
  • The API must provide at least 2 other types of resources:
    • Both types must be linked together (e.g. aggregation or composition).
    • At least one of the types must be linked to users.
    • The API must provide minimal CRUD operations to manage and use those types in a mobile application.
  • The API must use the knowledge learned during the course:
    • At least one resource must be a paginated list.
    • At least one resource must be a list with optional filters.
    • At least one resource must provide aggregated data from other resources using a MongoDB aggregation pipeline (e.g. the number of items created by a user).
    • The API must be developed as a backend to a mobile application using at least 2 mobile hardware features, for example:
      • At least one resource must be geolocated.
      • At least one resource must have one or multiple pictures (it is sufficient to store a picture URL or URLs in the database).
    • Sensitive operations must be protected by requiring valid authentication.
      • Authentication must be provided in the form of a JWT token or an equivalent mechanism.


  • The source code of your REST API must be in a repository on GitHub.
  • Your REST API must be deployed on Heroku.


  • Your REST API must be documented.

Quality of the implementation

  • You must follow REST best practices:
    • Your REST resources must use appropriate HTTP methods, headers and status codes.
    • Your REST resources must have a consistent URL hierarchy and/or naming structure.
  • Your asynchronous code must be correct.
  • Your Express routes must handle asynchronous operation errors.
  • You must avoid excessive code duplication (e.g. using Express middleware).
  • Your API must have basic validations on user input (e.g. using Mongoose validations).
  • Your API must validate the existence of linked resources (e.g. when creating an item linked to a user).


Send an e-mail no later than November 5th 2018 to Simon Oulevay with:

  • The list of group members.
  • The link to your source code repository on GitHub.
  • The to your deployed REST API on Heroku.


COMEM+ Web Services course