MediaComem / biosentiers-backend

Backend API of the BioSentiers project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

BioSentiers Server

This repository contains the Node.js Express server application for the BioSentiers project.

Build Status Coverage Status License


Additional development requirements:

  • Nodemon (install with npm install -g nodemon)
  • Knex (install with npm install -g knex)


How to set up your machine to contribute to the project.

First-time setup

  • Clone this repository:

      git clone
  • Install the application's dependencies:

      cd /path/to/repo
      npm install
  • Create your local configuration file:

      cp config/sample.env.js config/local.env.js
  • Edit config/local.env.js and customize it as needed on your machine. It allows you to override the environment variables used to configure the application.

  • Migrate the database:

      npm run migrate

Run it

  • Run the dev npm script:

      npm run dev

Create an admin user

  • An admin user must be created to use the application: ADMIN_PASSWORD=changeme node server/scripts/create-admin.js

Upgrade to the latest version

  • Update your branch (and resolve any conflicts):

      git pull
  • Install new application dependencies (if any):

      npm install
  • Update config/local.env.js if new configuration variables are required.

  • Run the application.


Script Purpose
npm run apidoc Build and serve the API documentation in your browser with live reload
npm run dev Validate the code, run the server and serve the API documentation
npm run doctoc Re-generate the table of contents in
npm run lint Validate all JavaScript code with JSHint
npm run server Run the server (for development) with live reload
npm start Run the server (for production)


Make sure that the test database configured in config/local.env.js exists and has PostGIS enabled.

Run npm run migrate:test the first time you want to run the tests and every time you upgrade the project.

Run npm test to launch the automated test suite.


How to deploy the backend to a remote server.

These instructions assume that:

Deploy in the Vagrant testing environment

$> deploy vagrant setup
$> deploy vagrant rev master

Deploy in the production environment

$> deploy production setup
$> deploy production rev master


The application is configured through environment variables which are listed here.

Server options

  • NODE_ENV - The runtime environment, either development, production or test. Defaults to development.

  • PORT - The port to run the Node.js HTTP server on. Defaults to 3000.

  • BASE_URL - The URL at which the application will be accessible. If not set, it will be built based on $PROTOCOL, $HOST and $PORT:

    • PROTOCOL - The protocol (ignored if $BASE_URL is set). Defaults to http.
    • HOST - The host (ignored if $BASE_URL is set). Defaults to localhost.
  • DATABASE_URL - The full connection string to the database. If not set, it will be built based on the following variable:

    • DATABASE_USERNAME - The PostgreSQL user to connect as. Not set by default.
    • DATABASE_PASSWORD - The password of the PostgreSQL user. Not set by default.
    • DATABASE_HOST - The host at which to reach the PostgreSQL database. Defaults to localhost.
    • DATABASE_PORT - The port to use to connect to the PostgreSQL database. Defaults to 5432.
    • DATABASE_NAME - The name of the database. Defaults to biosentiers.
  • SECRET- The secret key used to sign authentication tokens (should be at least 100 characters long).

  • BCRYPT_COST - Key expansion iteraction count of the bcrypt algorithm (this is actually a power of 2 of the number of iterations). Defaults to 10.

  • INSTALLATION_AUTH_THRESHOLD - The amount of time (in milliseconds) that local device clocks are allowed to differ from the server's for app installation authentication. Defaults to 300000 (5 minutes).

  • INSTALLATION_AUTH_ALGORITHM - The hashing algorithm used when calculating the HMAC for app installation authentication. Defaults to sha512.

  • LOG_LEVEL - The minimum severity of messages to logged. Available levels are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL. If the level is set to WARN, for example, only WARN, ERROR and FATAL messages will be logged. Defaults to TRACE in the development environment, INFO in the production environment and WARN in the test environment.

Mailer options

E-mails are sent by the server for some workflows, e.g. when users register.

  • MAIL_HTML - Whether to send HTML as well as plain text e-mails. Defaults to false.
  • SMTP_ENABLED - Whether to send e-mails. Defaults to true.
  • SMTP_HOST - The host of the SMTP server.
  • SMTP_PORT - The port of the SMTP server.
  • SMTP_SECURE - If true, the connection will use TLS. In most cases set this value to true if you are connecting to port 465. For port 587 or 25 keep it false. Defaults to false.
  • SMTP_USERNAME - The user to authenticate as.
  • SMTP_PASSWORD - The user's password.
  • SMTP_FROM_NAME - The name of the sender. Defaults to BioSentiers.
  • SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS - The sender's address.
  • SMTP_ALLOW_INVALID_CERT - Whether to accept a connection to an SMTP server with a self-signed TLS certificate. Defaults to false.

Development options

  • APIDOC_OPEN - Whether to automatically open the API documentation in your browser. Defaults to true in the development environment, false in other environments.
  • APIDOC_HOST - The host to serve the API documentation on. Defaults to localhost.
  • APIDOC_PORT - The port to serve the API documentation on. Defaults to 3001.
  • BROWSER - The name of the browser to open to read the API documentation. Defaults to your default system browser.


Backend API of the BioSentiers project

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 80.8%Language:HTML 19.2%Language:Pug 0.0%