MeanderingProgrammer / markdown.nvim

Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim

Heading Code List Table
Box Dash Quote LaTeX


  • Functions entirely inside of Neovim with no external windows
  • Changes between rendered view in normal mode and raw view in all other modes
  • Changes conceallevel between rendered and raw view based on configuration
  • Supports rendering markdown injected into other file types
  • Highlights headings with different groups depending on level and replaces #
  • Updates horizontal breaks with full-width lines
  • Highlights code blocks and inline code to better stand out
  • Replaces bullet points with provided character based on level
  • Replaces checkboxes with provided characters based on whether they are checked
  • Replaces block quote leading > with provided character
  • Updates table borders with better border characters, does NOT automatically align
  • Basic support for LaTeX if latex parser and pylatexenc are installed
  • Disable rendering when file is larger than provided value
  • Support for callouts
  • Support custom handlers which are ran identically to native handlers

Known Limitations

  • Text that extends beyond available space will overwrite content #35
  • LaTeX formula evaluations are placed above rather than overlayed #6


  • treesitter parsers:
  • System dependencies:
    • pylatexenc (Optional): Used to transform LaTeX strings to appropriate unicode using latex2text



    name = 'render-markdown', -- Only needed if you have another plugin named markdown.nvim
    dependencies = { 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter' },
    config = function()


    as = 'render-markdown', -- Only needed if you have another plugin named markdown.nvim
    after = { 'nvim-treesitter' },
    config = function()


Below is the configuration that gets used by default, any part of it can be modified by the user.

    -- Whether Markdown should be rendered by default or not
    start_enabled = true,
    -- Whether LaTeX should be rendered, mainly used for health check
    latex_enabled = true,
    -- Maximum file size (in MB) that this plugin will attempt to render
    -- Any file larger than this will effectively be ignored
    max_file_size = 1.5,
    -- Capture groups that get pulled from markdown
    markdown_query = [[
        (atx_heading [
        ] @heading)

        (thematic_break) @dash

        (fenced_code_block) @code

        ] @list_marker

        (task_list_marker_unchecked) @checkbox_unchecked
        (task_list_marker_checked) @checkbox_checked

        (block_quote (block_quote_marker) @quote_marker)
        (block_quote (paragraph (inline (block_continuation) @quote_marker)))

        (pipe_table) @table
        (pipe_table_header) @table_head
        (pipe_table_delimiter_row) @table_delim
        (pipe_table_row) @table_row
    -- Capture groups that get pulled from inline markdown
    inline_query = [[
        (code_span) @code

        (shortcut_link) @callout
    -- Executable used to convert latex formula to rendered unicode
    latex_converter = 'latex2text',
    -- The level of logs to write to file: vim.fn.stdpath('state') .. '/render-markdown.log'
    -- Only intended to be used for plugin development / debugging
    log_level = 'error',
    -- Filetypes this plugin will run on
    file_types = { 'markdown' },
    -- Vim modes that will show a rendered view of the markdown file
    -- All other modes will be uneffected by this plugin
    render_modes = { 'n', 'c' },
    -- Characters that will replace the # at the start of headings
    headings = { '󰲡 ', '󰲣 ', '󰲥 ', '󰲧 ', '󰲩 ', '󰲫 ' },
    -- Character to use for the horizontal break
    dash = '',
    -- Character to use for the bullet points in lists
    bullets = { '', '', '', '' },
    checkbox = {
        -- Character that will replace the [ ] in unchecked checkboxes
        unchecked = '󰄱 ',
        -- Character that will replace the [x] in checked checkboxes
        checked = '󰱒 ',
    -- Character that will replace the > at the start of block quotes
    quote = '',
    -- Symbol / text to use for different callouts
    callout = {
        note = '󰋽 Note',
        tip = '󰌶 Tip',
        important = '󰅾 Important',
        warning = '󰀪 Warning',
        caution = '󰳦 Caution',
    -- Window options to use that change between rendered and raw view
    win_options = {
        -- See :h 'conceallevel'
        conceallevel = {
            -- Used when not being rendered, get user setting
            default = vim.api.nvim_get_option_value('conceallevel', {}),
            -- Used when being rendered, concealed text is completely hidden
            rendered = 3,
        -- See :h 'concealcursor'
        concealcursor = {
            -- Used when not being rendered, get user setting
            default = vim.api.nvim_get_option_value('concealcursor', {}),
            -- Used when being rendered, conceal text in all modes
            rendered = 'nvic',
    -- Determines how tables are rendered
    --  full: adds a line above and below tables + normal behavior
    --  normal: renders the rows of tables
    --  none: disables rendering, use this if you prefer having cell highlights
    table_style = 'full',
    -- Mapping from treesitter language to user defined handlers
    -- See 'Custom Handlers' section for more info
    custom_handlers = {},
    -- Define the highlight groups to use when rendering various components
    highlights = {
        heading = {
            -- Background of heading line
            backgrounds = { 'DiffAdd', 'DiffChange', 'DiffDelete' },
            -- Foreground of heading character only
            foregrounds = {
        -- Horizontal break
        dash = 'LineNr',
        -- Code blocks
        code = 'ColorColumn',
        -- Bullet points in list
        bullet = 'Normal',
        checkbox = {
            -- Unchecked checkboxes
            unchecked = '@markup.list.unchecked',
            -- Checked checkboxes
            checked = '@markup.heading',
        table = {
            -- Header of a markdown table
            head = '@markup.heading',
            -- Non header rows in a markdown table
            row = 'Normal',
        -- LaTeX blocks
        latex = '@markup.math',
        -- Quote character in a block quote
        quote = '@markup.quote',
        -- Highlights to use for different callouts
        callout = {
            note = 'DiagnosticInfo',
            tip = 'DiagnosticOk',
            important = 'DiagnosticHint',
            warning = 'DiagnosticWarn',
            caution = 'DiagnosticError',


:RenderMarkdownToggle - Switch between enabling & disabling this plugin

  • Function can also be accessed directly through require('render-markdown').toggle()

Custom Handlers

Custom handlers allow users to integrate custom rendering for either unsupported languages or to override the native implementations. This can also be used to disable a native language, as custom handlers have priority.

For example disabling the LaTeX handler can be done with:

    custom_handlers = {
        latex = { render = function() end },

Each handler must conform to the following interface:

---@field public render fun(namespace: integer, root: TSNode, buf: integer)

The render function parameters are:

  • namespace: The id that this plugin interacts with when setting and clearing extmarks
  • root: The root treesitter node for the specified language
  • buf: The buffer containing the root node

Custom handlers are ran identically to native ones, so by writing custom extmarks (see :h nvim_buf_set_extmark()) to the provided namespace this plugin will handle clearing the extmarks on mode changes as well as re-calling the render function when needed.

This is a high level interface, as such creating, parsing, and iterating through a treesitter query is entirely up to the user if the functionality they want needs this. We do not provide any convenience functions, but you are more than welcome to use patterns from the native handlers.

More Complex Example

Lets say for python we want to highlight lines with function definitions.

-- Parse query outside of the render function to avoid doing it for each call
local query = vim.treesitter.query.parse('python', '(function_definition) @def')
local function render_python(namespace, root, buf)
    for id, node in query:iter_captures(root, buf) do
        local capture = query.captures[id]
        local start_row, _, _, _ = node:range()
        if capture == 'def' then
            vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(buf, namespace, start_row, 0, {
                end_row = start_row + 1,
                end_col = 0,
                hl_group = 'DiffDelete',
                hl_eol = true,
    custom_handlers = {
        python = { render = render_python },


There are many existing markdown rendering plugins in the Neovim ecosystem. However, most of these rely on syncing a separate browser window with the buffer. This is the correct way to do things to get full feature support, however I wanted something that worked completely inside of Neovim and made things look slightly "nicer".

The closest one I found to this was headlines.nvim, which is an awesome plugin that I took several ideas from. However it just didn't have quite what I was looking for. In particular I wanted something that would disappear completely when editing a file and quickly render some style when viewing the file. Hence this plugin.

Markdown Ecosystem

There are many markdown plugins that specialize in different aspects of interacting with markdown files. This plugin specializes in rendering the buffer inside of Neovim, for instance. As a result some plugins will clash with this one, whereas other plugins handle orthogonal concerns and can be used in addition to this one. Below is a categorized (incomplete) list of available plugins.

Render in Neovim

Using any of these plugins with this one will likely lead to undesired behavior as different functionality will clash.

  • headlines.nvim - Same high level idea and starting point of this plugin, but with different feature sets

Render in Browser

These can be used as a second pass to get a real preview of the markdown file. Since they do not interact with the buffer directly there should be no issues.


These plugins handle functions completely separate from rendering and should also have no issues running alongside this plugin.

  • Any LSP which provides standard LSP capabilities, such as:
    • marksman - General completion, definition, and reference functionality
    • markdown-oxide - Adds Obsidian PKM features to LSP
  • markdown.nvim - Adds markdown specific keybindings for interacting with markdown files


Plugin to improve viewing Markdown files in Neovim

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 92.3%Language:Python 6.0%Language:Just 1.7%