Md Al Amin Hossen (MdRasen)


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Location:Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Md Al Amin Hossen's repositories


Lab tasks, assignments and others for "Advanced Programming In Web Technology" course, Summer 2021-22.



This project aims to build an "Online Groceries Ordering System" to provide an online platform for customers to order their desired products. The main motivating factor of the system is, that the admin can control the whole system, the seller can upload or manage the products available in the system and the customer can view available products or search for them and order them through the system.And finally, the system will assign deliverymen for delivering the products to the customer.



The main motivating factor of the system is, the admin can control the whole system, teachers can monitor the students, and students can return their tasks through the system. And all the users of the system can perform some specific tasks/ features. This project helped to manage a school, it will helpful for admin teachers as well as students.



This project aims to build a “Modern School Management System”. The main motivating factor of the system is, the admin can control the whole system, teachers can monitor the students, and students can return their tasks through the system. And all the users of the system can perform some specific tasks/ features. This project helped to manage a school, it will helpful for admin teachers as well as students.



A Super shop management software system configured to your warehouse, retail or product line will help to create revenue for a company. This will control operating costs and provide better understanding.



Computer has become a powerful tool for the rapid and economical production of pictures. Computer Graphics remains one the most exciting and rapidly growing fields. It is natural to expect that graphical communication will often be more convenient when computers are utilized for this purpose. In our project, we implemented a city life where day and night view has been drawn. There are many features in day and night view, which can be done by pressing a keyboard button in the city view. Altogether it would render an eye-pleasing city view scenario. Our program provides a fast and accurate rendering of the objects as well as a landscape to simulate a city view.



This a simple project on "Hospital Management System" using C programming.
