McSquanchy / perl_assignment

Assignment for the course "Introduction to Perl" at FHNW

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Introduction to Perl

This repo contains my solution to the assignment given in class.


Kevin Buman (


Dr. Damian Conway



The following programs were written and tested on vagrant running an "ubuntu/trusty64" box. In addition, all code was also tested and run on version 5.1.7 of elementary OS. In order to run the programs, perl v5.32.0 is required. All code has been formatted with an online perl formatter.

Assignment 1

Description of the task

The idea is to provide a program that, given a master file, creates a cleaned up "empty" version of said master file. This includes doing the following:

  • Replace all [X] with [ ]
  • Shuffle the choices for each question
  • Save to a new file


During initial research I stumbled upon the CPAN module Tie::File, which let's you tie each line of a file to an array. Using this approach, I can easily shuffle lines without having to read the entire file into a string. If I know the indices of the answer lines, I can just use shuffle() to change the order.


program question_randomizer(masterfile)
	@input 		<- tie(masterfile)
	@output 	<- tie(output_file)
	@output 	<- @input
	untie @input
	@answers 	<- []
	for each line in @output do
		if line is beginning of new question
			push @answers {indices => []}
		elsif line contains answer
			replace [X] with [ ]
			push @answers[-1]{incides} line_index
	for entry in @answers
		shuffle indices in @output
	untie @output


-m / --master		path to master file
-o / --output		path to desired output file
-h / --help			display usage
-s / --silent		disable console output (except errors)

Limitations and Fault tolerance

The program makes the following assumptions about the provided master file:

  • Each question must begin with a number, followed by a dot (i.e. "82.").
  • Lines which contain answers must contain a set of square brackets ("[]").
    • Correct answers must enclose exactly one non-space character within the brackets (i.e. "[x]")
    • False answers must not enclose any non-space character within the brackets (i.e. "[ ]")
    • Other lines must not contain square brackets

The program allows the following:

  • Questions don't have to be separated by a series of repeating characters (i.e."-----------------")
  • Multi-line questions
  • The number of possible choices may differ for each question
  • The correct answer may be marked with any non-space character
  • Whitespaces within brackets can be non-uniform among all answer
  • Empty lines are permitted between answers

Error handling

The program provides basic error handling. An error will be thrown when

  • missing or wrong arguments are provided
  • either the input or output file cannot be opened

Known Issues

There appears to be an issue with either the module Tie::File or with Windows/Unix file formats. Using Tie::File seems to add a blank line at the end every file accessed. I didn't address this, but if it's really an issue, simply delete the last line in both files after the program executed.


I provide a few test files in test/question_randomizer/. Each of them has one or more special cases that are intended to demonstrate the robustness of the program. file1..7 show various edge cases that the program is able to manage. file8 shows a case where, if you inject some text with square brackets, the program will not provide an intended solution.

In a Unix environment, simply call

 for f in ../test/question_randomizer/* ; do ./ -m $f -o "${f%.*}-processed.txt" -s; done

from bin/.


The following CPAN modules are required to execute the program:


Assignment 2

Description of the task

The idea is to provide a program that, given a master file and a number of completed exams, checks each exam against the master file and grades it. For each exam submission, the program prints out the score (i.e. 11/30).


I parse the master file as well as all the exam files into hashes. Then, I iterate over the parsed master file and compare it against each submitted exam file, printing out missing questions and/or answers. Each correctly answered question is counted. In the end, I simply print out a score consisting of the number of right answers and the total number questions present in the file. The code provided attempts to solve all parts of the assignment. For further details, please refer to the code documentation.


In order to get a halfway decent program, one must assume that some of the submitted exams will have changed in either layout or content. For this reason, I use the provided master file as my ground truth, comparing everything against it. If this is not done, it will be significantly harder to detect / account for abusive tactics (i.e. attempts at cheating). For example, if you compare the the exam files against the master file, and not vice versa, a student could try to answer a simple question, copy it numerous times and increase the question number each time. In such a case, all questions and answers in the exam file will be valid, which could lead to the student achieving a perfect score.


2. Inexact matching

In order to achieve this, I wrote a little function called evaluate_match($string1, $$string2), which uses the Levenshtein-Damerau distance. I use it instead of eq to achieve inexact matching. If a match has been found, I simply check whether the strings match exactly. If this is not the case, I print out the closest match that is being used to continue.

In the case where two or more answers match the current answer in the master file, I use the one with the least distance to the original.

3. Creating statistics

To do this, I created a $statistics hash, which keeps track of all the scores. After examining all files, I print out minimum, maximum and average numbers for the set. Additionally, I report all cases where the achieved result is more than one standard deviation below the average.

4. Collusion detection

For each pair of students, I count how many answers they have answered the same. Out of those, I look at the ones that they have both gotten wrong. I count them and evaluate the fraction $$ p = \frac{nr. \ wrong \ answers}{nr. \ same \ answers}. $$ Without further statistical analysis, I simply chose to report the pairs where $nr. \ wrong \ answers &gt; 3$ and $p &gt;= 0.3$. As an example, let's say the exam has 20 questions with each 5 possible answers, 1 of which is correct. If two students answered 14 questions correctly, and also answered the other questions in the same way, then $p = \frac{6}{20} = 0.3$.

This calculation makes the assumption that every answer is equally likely to be chosen. Naturally, this is not true. However, for smaller classes of students (30-50), I've found that it's quite hard to find a good estimate, since many answers have never been chosen and it makes not much sense to assume a zero probability for some of the answers.


The following CPAN modules are required to execute the program:



I provide a few test files in test/scores/. In each folder, read the comment at the top of the first file to see what is being tested. For most test cases, simply provide the program with the master file test/scores/master/test_master.txt. In some subfolders, a different master file is included. In those cases, simply use the one inside the specific folder. The test files cover a variety of edge cases and should convince the user that the program works great in most cases.


The program provided works reliably for most of the exams. If a student response matches the master,apart from marked answers, then the score is absolutely trustworthy. However, one is best advised to not solely rely on this program to score a multiple choice exam. Using '[', ']' characters or numbers in a clever way might allow certain individuals to manipulate the scoring procedure in order to achieve a more favorable score. Especially for small number of exams (<30), it might be best to give each file a quick glance and check whether the layout has changed in any significant way.


Assignment for the course "Introduction to Perl" at FHNW


Language:Perl 100.0%