MaximoDouglas / tourist-attractions

Django REST Framework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tourist Attractions Project

  • Online -> here
  • Directory -> ./pontos_turisticos/

It is a project that creates an API RESTful for tourist attractions, with comments, ratings, address, etc. The objective of this project is to apply basics and intermediate concepts on Django Rest Framework. The architecture of this application can be generalized for pretty much any other small CRUD-like application and it is a good option to be used as example project.

Environment setup and project running

  1. Enter ./<project-name> folder;
  2. Create a virtual environment with python3 -m venv <you-env-name>;
  3. Start the created virtual env with . <you-env-name>/bin/activate;
  4. Install django with pip install django;
  5. Install django rest framework with pip install djangorestframework;
  6. Create administration user with python createsuperuser --username=<yout-user-name> --email=<your-email>. You will be asked to create a password for this user;
  7. Make migrations with python makemigrations;
  8. Migrate with python migrate;
  9. Run the application with python runserver;

Deploy to Heroku

Minimal configuration to host a Django project at Heroku

Create the project directory

  • mkdir directory_name
  • cd directory_name

Create and activate your virtuanenv

  • virtualenv -p python3 .vEnv
  • . .vEnv/bin/activate

Installing django

  • pip install django

Create the django project

  • django-admin startproject myproject

Creating the Git repository

  • git init
  • Create a file called .gitignore with the following content:
# See the name for you IDE
# If you are using sqlite3
# Name of your virtuan env
  • git add .
  • git commit -m 'First commit'

Hidding instance configuration

  • pip install python-decouple
  • create an .env file at the root path and insert the following variables
  • SECRET_KEY=Your$eCretKeyHere (Get this secrety key from the
  • DEBUG=True

  • from decouple import config
  • SECRET_KEY = config('SECRET_KEY')
  • DEBUG = config('DEBUG', default=False, cast=bool)

Configuring the Data Base

  • pip install dj-database-url

  • from dj_database_url import parse as dburl

default_dburl = 'sqlite:///' + os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3')

DATABASES = { 'default': config('DATABASE_URL', default=default_dburl, cast=dburl), }

Static files

pip install dj-static


  • from dj_static import Cling
  • application = Cling(get_wsgi_application())

  • STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles')

Create a requirements-dev.txt

pip freeze > requirements-dev.txt

Create a file requirements.txt file and include reference to previows file and add two more requirements

  • -r requirements-dev.txt
  • gunicorn
  • psycopg2

Create a file Procfile and add the following code

  • web: gunicorn website.wsgi --log-file -

Create a file runtime.txt and add the following core

  • python-3.6.0

Creating the app at Heroku

You should install heroku CLI tools in your computer previously ( See )

  • heroku apps:create app-name Remember to grab the address of the app in this point

Setting the allowed hosts

  • include your address at the ALLOWED_HOSTS directives in - Just the domain, make sure that you will take the protocol and slashes from the string

Heroku install config plugin

  • heroku plugins:install heroku-config

Sending configs from .env to Heroku ( You have to be inside tha folther where .env files is)

  • heroku plugins:install heroku-config
  • heroku config:push -a

To show heroku configs do

  • heroku config

Publishing the app

  • git add .
  • git commit -m 'Configuring the app'
  • git push heroku master --force

Creating the data base

  • heroku run python3 migrate

Creating the Django admin user

  • heroku run python3 createsuperuser


You may need to disable the collectstatic

  • heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1

Changing a specific configuration

  • heroku config:set DEBUG=True


Django REST Framework

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 99.8%Language:Procfile 0.2%