MaxfieldLewin / phevor

A fast Poker hand evaluator written in Rust.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a tool to evaluate Poker hands in a very efficient way using bit manipulation and lookup tables. The algorithm is based off of the work of others.


You need to have a working Rust environment and git installed.

How to use it

  1. Clone the repository and change into it.
  2. Compile the source using cargo run --release
  3. Change into target/release directory, then type phevor --help to see the available options.
    phevor [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [hand]

    -a, --all        Shows evaluations and the ranking of hands.
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -r, --rank       Prints the ranking of hands instead of their evaluations.
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -f, --file <file>    A file containing hands (one per line) to evaluate.

    <hand>    A hand (consisting of 2 hole and 5 board cards) to evaluate.

To evaluate a single hand simply type phevor <hand>. The program expects the hand to be formatted in a certain way, like so: AsKdQcJhTc4h8c. For example As means Ace of Spades. To evaluate multiple hands stored in a file you would have to type phevor -f <file>. By default it will print out the evaluations of each hand line by line. If you want to see how they rank against eachother type phevor -f <file> -r.

Closing words

I hope this little application will be useful to someone out there. As always ... have fun!


A fast Poker hand evaluator written in Rust.


Language:Rust 100.0%