MaxenV / cipher_tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Main use is repair damaged bytes in ciphered files.
The program allows you to read binary file and decrypt them.

When it works

Cipher class require bash and installed openssl.
The file must be encrypted in cbc mode to be repairable.


Program was tested on "aes-256" cipher;

BinaryFile object

BinaryFile(filePath) - object used for binary operation on files
get_text() - return content of the file as text
getBinaryArray() - return binary content of the file as int array
getBinFile() - return file object
useCommand(command) - use command in bash
write_file() - briet in file

CipherTool object

CipherTool(bnnaryArray, cipherName, mode, key, iv) - object for working with ciphers

binnaryArray - int array with binary content from file
cipherName - cipers names you can find on opensll documentation e.g. "aes-256"
mode - mode in which the file was encrypted (repairing works only in "cbc" mode)
key - key used to encript and decript file
iv - an initialization vector

allowedChars - characters that may be in the file (default a-z,A-Z,0-9,\n)


repair() - repair file if it's broken
find_wrong(arr) - return id of block with chars not contain in allowedChars (or -1 if arr is ok)
isBroken(block) - check if block is broken



Language:Java 100.0%