MaxWilson / WilsonData

Generic Key/Value store built from Azure Functions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Generic key-value store built on top of Azure functions

Usage examples:

Authenticate via and then call one of the following with the id_token:

POST (Save)[]

curl -d "['Eladriel Shadowdancer','Nevermore Jack','Vladimir Nightbinder','Cranduin the Lesser']" -H "Authorization: bearer eyJ0eXAi...etc."

GET (Load)[] GET (List)[]

'ssid' represents a unique but arbitrary identifier chosen by the client app to identify a collection of data, e.g. all data for the application "Shining Sword: the Impossible Dream" (ssid).

If you're running in a browser (i.e. if UserAgent header is Mozilla/Chrome/etc.) authentication will be triggered automatically if you call an API endpoint without already being authenticated. (You'll get a 302 to identity provider instead of a 401.)

Run locally:

dotnet build && func host start --script-root bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\


dotnet build -c Release && dotnet publish -c Release && func azure functionapp publish WilsonData --no-build --script-root bin\Release\netstandard2.0\publish


Generic Key/Value store built from Azure Functions



Language:F# 100.0%