MaxLenormand / Data-Science-for-Remote-Sensing

All the useful tools I have been using while working in data science for remote sensing

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A non-exhaustive set of useful tools I have been using while working in data science for remote sensing.

I am learning a lot about Data Science, Remote Sensing, and everything in between. A lot of the times, the documentations I found weren't dummy proof (at least not enough for me), so I started making my own documentations that helped me gain a lot of time. Hopefully this might help others in their projects, and getting more efficient at using some of these tools.

  • Most of the wording uses the term tif to refer to rasters, and polygons to refer to vectors. I simply find it easier, since most rasters are in .tif, and most vectors are polygons in .geojson or (god forbid) in .shp; at least most of what I have encountered.
  • Most of this will have a focus on working in Python.
  • I have mostly worked on satellite imagery, which will also be reflected here. (Mostly Sentinel images)

Table of contents

A set of GDAL command line operations that are particularly useful when handling satellite images. I find GDAL to be particularly tricky to use, and the documentation to be quite overwhelming. There are only a few bits of codes I really use, which can be found in this repo.

The GDAL documentation can be found here for more details.

Stupid yet sometimes forgotten little reminder: you need to cd into the directory where your tifs are for these to work.

Converts a tif into 8 bits. This is particularly useful for feeding the images into other libraries that only support 8 bits, or reducing the 'complexity' of an image (when creating GLCMs, feeding images into a neural network, etc. this can be useful).

For most Sentinel images, note that the min_value is roughly 0, and max_value 0.5

gdal_translate -ot Byte -co "COMPRESS=DEFLATE" -scale <min_value> <max_value> <input_file.tif> <output_8bit_file.tif>

Satellite images can be very heavy, having multiple bands, and a high pixel range. For visual validation, being able to load a lighter version of the image is pretty helpful (especially, if like me, you're pretty low on RAM). This converts a tif, only keeping the RGB bands and converting the pixel range to 8 bits.

  • Note that for Sentinel 2, R, G & B are bands 1, 2 & 3. This can change for each sensor, so modify accordingly
gdal_translate -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 -ot Byte -scale <input_file.tif> <output_RGB_8bit_file.tif>

Very handy little command, simply gives a lot of information about a given tif, directly in the command line, without having to open it.

gdalinfo <file.tif>

All images don't have the same cellsize, and even if they do, their cell grid don't all necessarily overlap perfectly. This can be a huge issue when trying to compare multiple images of the same area.

(Note that EPSG 4326 uses degrees as a unit. Use EPSG 3857 for meters).

(For Sentinel, in most cases: in degrees, X_resolution = Y_resolution = 0.00009)

gdalwarp -t_srs "EPSG:4326" -tr <X_resolution> <Y_resolution> -co "COMPRESS=DEFLATE" -crop_to_cutline -cutline <polygon_to_cut_to.geojson> <input.tif> <output.tif>

Normalizing the values of a tif between 0 and 1.

(Big warning if trying to run this in in Python: Don't put the "" in the --calc operation. It won't work.) -A <input.tif> --outfile=<Normlized_output.tif> --calc="(A-A.min())/(A.max()-A.min())" --NoDataValue=-9999

Normalizing the values of a tif containing empty data (no data), between 0 and 1.

First, it is necessary to change the no data values by nan if it isn't already the case.

(Big warning if trying to run this in in Python: Don't put the "" in the --calc operation. It won't work.) -A <input.tif> --outfile=<Normlized_output.tift> --calc="(A-A.nanmin())/(A.nanmax()-A.nanmin())"

Changing the no data values in a tif containing any to nan.

Note that you can of course change it to anything else.

gdalwarp -dstnodata nan <input.tif> <output.tif>

Clipping a tif to a polygon, or a multi-polygon.

If you get an error message beginning with: Self-intersection at or near point ..., then adding --config GDALWARP_IGNORE_BAD_CUTLINE YES just after gdalwarp allows you to perform the clipping.

gdalwarp -cutline <polygons_to_clip_to.geojson> -crop_to_cutline <input.tif> <output.tif>

Polygonizing a tif to polygons. I find these mostly useful for binary tifs, or tifs with a very limited amount of values (after a classification for example). <input.tif> <output.geojson>


All the useful tools I have been using while working in data science for remote sensing