Announcement: v2.0 of this package was released with three large changes:
have been moved to a new plugin: solaire-modedoom-nlinum
was removed; line highlighting is now supported in nlinum 1.7- A rewrite of doom-themes' backend and themes means problems or breakages may have slipped through. Let me know if you find one!
DOOM Themes is an opinionated UI plugin and pack of themes extracted from my emacs.d, inspired by some of my favorite color themes.
- Color themes:
: doom-themes' flagship theme, inspired by Atom's One Dark themes -
: a more vibrant version ofdoom-one
: based on Textmate's monokai -
: adapted from Nova (thanks to bigardone) -
: light version of doom-one -
: reads your colors from ~/.Xresources -
: by Chris Kempson -
: I'm sure you've heard of it -
: a minimalistic, monochromatic theme -
: based on Tron Legacy from daylerees' themes -
: based on Peacock from daylerees' themes
- Included features:
: flash the mode-line when the Emacs bell rings (i.e. an error occurs). -
: a customizable neotree theme that takes after Atom's file drawer, and is simpler than the built in icon theme in neotree (screenshot, more details).This requires
' fonts to be installed:M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts
- Resources that may interest you:
- To get dimmed sidebars and brighter source buffers (like in the screenshots), see solaire-mode.
- To get line number highlighting for
, see nlinum-hl (or hlinum forlinum
). - AnthonyDiGirolamo added doom-one (screenshot) and doom-molokai (screenshot) skins to airline-themes.
- I'm working on making my modeline more accessible. In the meantime, check out my mode-line configuration in my emacs.d.
M-x package-install RET doom-themes
A comprehensive configuration example:
(require 'doom-themes)
;; Global settings (defaults)
(setq doom-themes-enable-bold t ; if nil, bold is universally disabled
doom-themes-enable-italic t) ; if nil, italics is universally disabled
;; Load the theme (doom-one, doom-molokai, etc); keep in mind that each theme
;; may have their own settings.
(load-theme 'doom-one t)
;; Enable flashing mode-line on errors
;; Enable custom neotree theme
(doom-themes-neotree-config) ; all-the-icons fonts must be installed!
;; Corrects (and improves) org-mode's native fontification.
;; 1. Re-set `org-todo' & `org-headline-done' faces to make them respect
;; underlying faces (i.e. don't override the :height or :background of
;; underlying faces).
;; 2. Make statistic cookies respect underlying faces.
;; 3. Fontify item bullets (make them stand out)
;; 4. Fontify item checkboxes (and when they're marked done), like TODOs that are
;; marked done.
;; 5. Fontify dividers/separators (5+ dashes)
;; 6. Fontify #hashtags and @at-tags, for personal convenience; see
;; `doom-org-special-tags' to disable this.
The wiki contains details for customizing the neotree theme.
I welcome contributions of any kind, be they pull requests, bug reports or elisp pointers. Additional theme and plugin support requests are welcome too.