MatviiB / telegram-logger

Put log messages from your Laravel app to your Telegram bot

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Logging your application problems(achievements) to Telegram

Ultralight package


  \Log::telegram('Hey, i am your application, and i have a problem');

laravel telegram logger


composer require matviib/telegram-logger

Add to your .env file:

#developer1 - XXX
#developer2 - YYY


Creating telegram bot tutorial

  1. Find BotFather.
  2. Send /newbot.
  3. Set up name and bot-name for your bot.
  4. Get token and add it to your .env file.
  5. Find your bot (BotFather already generate link to it in last message).
  6. Send one or few messages to him.
  7. Open next url<YOUR_BOT_TOKEN>/getUpdates and find chat_id.

Steps #6,#7 needed for adding EACH developer to listeners of the bot.

laravel telegram logger