MatthewWeiChen / MatthewWeiChen

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Hi, I'm Matt 👋

I am a Full Stack Web Developer with a passion for creating usable applications. The technologies I enjoy working with include React.js, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, and Node.js. I also love to problem solve and attain the release of endorphins from solving them!

Dev Story

I am a full stack web developer who, at some point, has hit that great wall that one time or another has hit us all which is, "Is this all I will do in my life?" Previously I worked in customer service taking on average 50-100 calls a day at BSH Home appliances; the monotony of the position really helped me reflect on my life and career choices.

In my journey of self reflection, I came to the conclusion that I could do so much more as a human being on this small planet. I determined then to prove to myself that I can do more by creating "something from nothing" and then made the decision to join the 3 month intensive immersion Web Development program at LearningFuze. I spent 10-12 hours each day learning, honing and growing in technological skills for a full stack web developer. The joy that I have creating something with just a keyboard and computer has not depreciated but in fact has grown into a passion and a life long desire to always keep creating.

I quickly learned through the program that customer service and web development go hand in; I don't undermine anything I learned in the previous position, but rather, I am now able to apply those skills I obtained with coding. Some of these skills are communication, professionalism, active listening, empathy and so much more.

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