Matthew Nobes's repositories
#DEPRECATED# The api middleware for the recipe book app I have been developing.
This is designed to create a hash for a download and compare it to the original hash provided by the source of the download.
This is my personal portfolio website that I use to showcase and explain my projects. It has been rebuilt with React, using React router for its navigation system and uses GitHub's Rest API to collect project information.
A simple password generator application. It provides reccomended random passwords based upon a user requirements for the password. The original version is a C#, .NET Framework based Windows Form Application. Current work is being directed towards a React based web app version.
This is the frontend web app for the recipe book system. It consists of a JS React web app that uses a supabase database underneath to manage the backend, including storage and authentication.
This project was designed as a simple starting point for React web Applications. This has been set up with an MIT license, so feel free to use it to avoid all the starting setup with React Apps. It will be updated periodically to ensure the dependencies remain up to date and safe to use.
This project is planned as a bianry conversion and binary calculation toolkit.
The Conversion App was created as a simple place to find unit conversions without scouring the internet for a decent solution. As well as providing conversions, this system will explain the equations used for the conversion in a clear and logical manner.
This application has been developed to provide analytical feedback on FHIR server requests.
This tool acts as a middle-man for FHIR server queries, it adds the CORS headers to each request, allowing the data to be displayed in front-end web applications. This was created as part of the FHIR-CQL project.
A repo to store all my react tests.
This project was created primarily to generate a binary risk matrix, however, in the future more risk management tools may be added to it. In its current state, it plays host to a binary risk matrix.
The website I made for my uni coursework for the website/HTML unit. It showcases some of the work I did in the web development unit throughout my first year at univeristy, including a literature review and a log of what I learnt in the unit. It demonstrates HTML compliance with the W3 standards.
A weather app built using ReactJS. The data for the weather is provided by the MetOffice.
A cryptography tool for ciphering and deciphering built using Svelte Kit and Tailwind CSS.
The academic referencing generator is a web app designed to create achemic refernces from a users input. The plan is to support multiple refencing stlyes, including APA 7th and Chicago. I designed this app primiaryly in prepareation for my dissertation, however, I intend to host it publically for others to use in the future.
A small app for visualising a development roadmap.
This project was created as part of my React learning from a course on Pluralsight. It is a simple React application that collects information about GitHub users from a typed in username. It relies on axios to communicate with the GitHub API by sending it a request for user information.
A collection of different functions and algorithms. These can be quickly copied over into JavaScript programs.
This is my repository that contains all the code I have used when learning C. It functions mainly as a reference point for my C notes.
An NPX package designed to update the year on licenses (such as standard MIT licenses)
This is a basic login system that will use a hashed salt to authenticate the password. I will be using it as a test bed for future features.
A python project for generating pseudo-random sample data for a wide array of different data formats. It has been setup as a python refresher project, while also providing some purpose to other projects I do that require sample data. The plan for this project is to be a living repository, whenever I require a new type of sample data, I will create new features to facilitate this.
This was another application I made as part of my React training. It is a small maths game that is kicked off whenever the user loads the page. They are given a set amount of time to complete the game, by selecting numbers that match up the number of starts on the screen, until all numbers have been used.