Matthew-Burfield / world-chat-subscriptions-example

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A realtime chat application that displays the locations of all the chat participants on a map.


You can run your own instance of the application by first creating a Graphcool backend and then running the app locally using npm.

1. Create a Graphcool backend graphql-up

You'll need the following GraphQL schema to get started with the Worlchat application:

type Traveller {
  id: ID!
  createdAt: DateTime!
  updatedAt: DateTime!
  name: String!
  location: Location! @relation(name: "TravellerLocation")
  messages: [Message!]! @relation(name: "MessagesFromTraveller")

type Message {
  id: ID!
  createdAt: DateTime!
  updatedAt: DateTime!
  text: String!
  sentBy: Traveller!  @relation(name: "MessagesFromTraveller")

type Location {
  id: ID!
  createdAt: DateTime!
  updatedAt: DateTime!
  traveller: Traveller! @relation(name: "TravellerLocation")
  latitude: Float!
  longitude: Float!

We already included a schema file in this git repository, so all you have to do is download or clone the repository and then use our cli to create your Graphcool project:

git clone
cd Worldchat
graphcool create Worldchat.schema

You can also create the data model manually in our console.

2. Connect the App to your backend

In App.js, you need to adjust the URLs that are used to connect to the GraphQL server.

const wsClient = new SubscriptionClient(`wss:// PROJECT ID__`, {
  reconnect: true,

const networkInterface = createNetworkInterface({
  uri: ' PROJECT ID__'

You can retrieve your project ID from our console, just select the newly created Worldchat project, navigate to Settings -> General and copy the Project Id from there.

You can then run the app locally by starting it from the terminal:

npm start

Happy chatting! 💬🌎


This app demonstrates how to use the Graphcool subscription API using the Apollo client. you can find more about these technologies here:

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