Matth-- / toggl-invoiceninja-sync

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Invoice syncer

This application is built to sync loggings from toggl to invoiceninja

set the correct parameters in config/parameters.yml


  • Clone or download the repo
  • Use the latest tagged release
  • run composer install

Now fill in the parameters

    debug: false
    serializer.config_dir: %kernel.root_dir%/config/serializer
    seriaizer.cache_dir: %kernel.root_dir%/cache

    toggl.api_key: KEY

    invoice_ninja.base_uri: {your-invoice-ninja-url}/api/
    invoice_ninja.api_key: KEY

    # Key = name in toggl (Has to be correct)
    # Value = client id from invoiceninja
    # Use '[]' if you don't need any config here
         client_name: 1

    # Key = name in toggl
    # Value= id from invoiceninja
    # Use '[]' if you don't need any config here
         first_project: 1
         second_project: 2

The key-value pairs in the clients variable are important. The key should be the exact client name from toggl. The value should be the client id from invoiceninja. If the time entry was matched with the clients variable it skips the part where it checks the projects variable. This varialbe acts the same way as the `clients variable but instead of matching the client name, it matches the exact project name.

Run the command

to run the command just run:

php syncer sync:timings

Run as cronjob

As this command syncs the tasks from the current day, this cronjob setting will run the command daily at 23:55.

55 23 * * * /path/to/php /path/to/syncer sync:timings


  • Support for Invoiceninja projects (now it just links project to client as this was written when no projects existed in invoiceninja)
  • Next major release will use Symfony 4 components.


License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:PHP 100.0%