MatteoZambra / rbm_pytorch

Restricted Boltzmann Machines and PyTorch playground. Self-teaching purpose only

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Restricted Boltzmann Machine Walkthrough. PyTorch implementation

NOTE This walkthrough is heavily inspired by this tutorial, a very clear introductory guide to Restricted Boltzmann Machines in PyTorch. There a different data set is used, however. I modified the first stages of data loading an preprocessing so that the same device can work on a MNIST data set. A more comprehensive and broader account on this latter is given in this other tutorial, in which a Feedforward MLP is built and trained on the MNIST data set. Note also that the data set is loaded with the utility method provided by PyTorch.

The files and serve the purposes to provide functions to manipulate images and train the device itself, respectively.

Note that image manipulation is necessary, inasmuch the MNIST data set samples come as real-valued matrices but the RMB as here implemented can only deal with binary variables, that is values among {0, +1}. A data sample is binarized according to a user-defined threshold.

Companion files overview

Contains plotting utilities, such as visualizing data samples, images binarization, model parameters histograms, receptive fields visualization. These latter two graphical utilities are recommended in this RBMs training tutorial (Hinton, 2010).

Histograms serve the purpose to monitor the distribution of model parameters and their variations. Learning rate should be set in such a way to render the weights updates magnitudes about 0.001 times the weights themselves. Moreover, observe that in RBMs the hidden units act as feature detectors hence the receptive fields visualizations may help to understand which are the features that make the hidden neurons fire.

Contains the rbm class, containing all the training and parameters updating utility methods.

NOTE that the program is written with PyTorch, hence the data samples are torch.Tensor types. The useful functions have these data types as input mainly.


As pointed out in Hinton (2010), in the last step of the Gibbs chain which is run to obtain unbiased estimated of the log-likelihood gradients, hidden activity patterns should be sampled as probabilities, instead of binarizing such probabilities to obtain a vector of binary values as done for the other sampling. This reduces sampling noise.

Further improvements

A RBM is a single hidden layer model. However the power of Deep Learning stems from the higher level of abstraction that can be gained with a deep architecture. While the results of this simulation may seem satisfactory, since some digits are correctly rencostructed, better results may be attained with deeper architectures.

What can be improved may be

  • A deeper network. It would be a different model, namely Deep Belief Network. Note that it does not suffice to make a RBM deeper for the sake of building a Deep Boltzmann Machine. While being structurally similar, DBNs and DBMs differ since the former are directed Probabilistic Graphical Models
  • Binarize all the samples in all the batches before training, instead of binarizing a data batch once it is fetched from the dedicated data structure in the training loop
  • Reconstruction error (MSE), used to monitor learning, does not provide a sensible measure of how well the device is learning, since it does not descend naturally from the objective function (Contrastive Divegence) that is minimized. The free energy of training samples and held-out samples could rather be a neater measure. See Zorzi et al. (2013)
  • Enforce sparsity


Restricted Boltzmann Machines and PyTorch playground. Self-teaching purpose only


Language:Jupyter Notebook 93.8%Language:Python 6.2%