MattKunze / dotnet-playground

Environment for experimenting with .NET Core, F#, and Suave in a docker container

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.NET Core / F# / Suave Playground

This provides an environment to make it easy to experiment with .NET core in a Docker container and write web services using F#

Docker setup

In order to use the newer MSBuild-based project system, you need preview4 of the core SDK. Getting the right versions of things can be a little frustrating, this seems to provide the best links to the various versions that are out there:

According to dotnet/dotnet-docker#177, there isn't an official image for preview4 from Microsoft yet, the local Dockerfile builds a version that has the updated SDK. Build it with:

$ docker build -t dotnet:1.0-preview4 .

Should be able to switch to an official version shortly. Also it would be nice to look into the Alpine Linux version once that's available:

F# App / Docker

The basic app was generated with dotnet new -l fsharp, and then updated to reference Suave and update the version of Microsoft.FSharp.Core.netcore.

The built-in Suave TCP server doesn't restart well on OSX/Linux (TODO: need to investigate this more and find a workaround/file an issue), but the Kestrel web server doesn't have the same problem.

The Suave.AspNetCore project provides a library for integrating Suave as OWIN/Kestrel middleware so I've included it to run the Suave app.

Also dotnet-watch was added to support auto reloading of the services with dotnet watch run.

Run the app by spinning up a docker container and running dotnet restore/watch run:

$ docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`/app:/app -p 8080:8080 dotnet:1.0-preview4
root@280e064c362a:/# cd app
root@280e064c362a:/app# dotnet restore
  Restoring packages for /app/app.fsproj...
  Restoring packages for /app/app.fsproj...
  Restore completed in 14158.442ms for /app/app.fsproj.
  NuGet Config files used:
  Feeds used:
      300 package(s) to /app/app.fsproj
root@280e064c362a:/app# dotnet watch run
[DotNetWatcher] info: dotnet process id: 105
[DotNetWatcher] info: Running dotnet with the following arguments: run
Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: /app/bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.0
Now listening on:
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

Open http://localhost:8080 and you should see the app, and if you change any of the .fs files and save it will automatically restart.


The docker-compose.yml file simplifies launching the container and automatically starts the application. Just run docker-compose up

This also makes it easy to fire up additional services (MongoDB, redis, whatever) and reference them from the app. See the documentation for more details.

Other links

So they don't get lost...


Environment for experimenting with .NET Core, F#, and Suave in a docker container


Language:F# 96.6%Language:Shell 3.4%