Matir / LoginScan

Scanner for document roots/URLs.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Copyright (C) 2011 David Tomaschik


LoginScan is a python script to scan document roots of webserver for "interesting" things. Mostly, it can identify administrative web interfaces and other similar systems. LoginScan may be renamed at some point in the future as it encompasses more functionality.

LoginScan is designed to be flexible: it can do its own scanning of hosts and ports, or it can take a list of URLs as input to examine. There are many more options, most of which can be configured either in a configuration file or at runtime.

LoginScan is intended to be extensible, to allow many rule to be run against any given set of systems.

LoginScan is NOT intended to eliminate anything from consideration, only to help prioritize the time and resources of the security professional.


LoginScan was inspired by a talk called "From Low to Pwned" given by Chris Gates (@carnal0wnage) at B-Sides Atlanta 2011. Chris related how seemingly innocous notices from vulnerability scanners (aka "Lows") can also have serious impacts to the enterprise.

Chris discussed a technique where he builds a list of URLs based on open ports returned by the port scanner and then uses Firefox addons to open all of the URLs and review them manually. LoginScan was intended to help prioritize these URLs.


usage: [-h] [--http p[,p[..]]] [--https p[,p[..]]] [--verbose]
                    [--conns CONNS] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--output OUTPUT]
                    [--show-noconn] [--user-agent USER_AGENT]
                    [--urls | --url-file]
                    host [host ...]

Scan document roots for interesting things.

positional arguments:
  host                  Hosts to scan (hostspec)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --http p[,p[..]]      Ports to scan with http
  --https p[,p[..]]     Ports to scan with https
  --verbose, -v         Enable extra verbosity
  --conns CONNS, -c CONNS
                        Number of simultaneous connections
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for connections, in seconds.
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output file name and/or type list.
  --show-noconn         Show failed connections in results.
  --user-agent USER_AGENT, -U USER_AGENT
                        User Agent String to Send with Requests.
  --urls                Treat hostspec as a list of urls to scan, either comma
                        or space separated.
  --url-file            Treat hostspec as a file containing a list of URLs,
                        one per line.

Host specification: - Hosts may be specified as hostnames, - separated ranges,
or CIDR blocks. - Ranges must have full IPs for start and end. - Hosts may be
comma or space separated. Ports: - You can provide '0' as a port number to
disable http or https. - Ports are ignored if a url list is provided. Outputs:
- Outputs are specified as type=filename. If type= is omitted, text is
default. - may be specified for standard output. - HTML, CSV, and Plaintext
outputs are supported. (html,csv,text)


Scanner for document roots/URLs.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%