Mathux / hessian_penalty

Code for the Hessian Penalty: A Weak Prior for Unsupervised Disentanglement (ECCV 2020 Spotlight)

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The Hessian Penalty — Official Implementation

Paper | Project Page | ECCV 2020 Spotlight Video | The Hessian Penalty in 90 Seconds

Teaser image

This repo contains code for our new regularization term that encourages disentanglement in neural networks. It efficiently optimizes the Hessian of your neural network to be diagonal in an input, leading to disentanglement in that input. We showcase its usage in generative adversarial networks (GANs), but you can use our code for other neural networks too.

The Hessian Penalty: A Weak Prior for Unsupervised Disentanglement
William Peebles, John Peebles, Jun-Yan Zhu, Alexei Efros, Antonio Torralba
UC Berkeley, Yale, Adobe Research, MIT CSAIL
ECCV 2020 (Spotlight)

This repo contains the following:

  • Portable Hessian Penalty implementations in both PyTorch and TensorFlow
  • Edges+Shoes and CLEVR ProGAN Experiments in TensorFlow
  • BigGAN direction discovery code in PyTorch [coming soon!]

Below are some examples of latent space directions and components learned via the Hessian Penalty:

Dogs teaser Church teaser CLEVR teaser

Adding the Hessian Penalty to Your Code

We provide portable implementations of the Hessian Penalty that you can easily add to your projects.

Adding the Hessian Penalty to your own code is very simple:

from hessian_penalty_pytorch import hessian_penalty

net = MyNeuralNet()
input = sample_input()
loss = hessian_penalty(G=net, z=input)

See our Tips and Tricks for some advice about training with the Hessian Penalty and avoiding pitfalls. Our code supports regularizing multiple activations simultaneously; see the fourth bullet point in Tips and Tricks for how to enable this feature.

Getting Started

This section and below are only needed if you want to visualize/evaluate/train with our code and models. For using the Hessian Penalty in your own code, you can copy one of the files mentioned in the above section.

The TensorFlow codebase is tested with Linux on NVIDIA GPUs. You need at least Python 3.6. To get started, download this repo:

git clone
cd hessian_penalty

Then, set-up your environment. You can use the environment.yml file to set-up a Conda environment:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate hessian

If you opt to use your environment, we recommend using TensorFlow 1.14.0. Now you're all set-up.

Visualizing and Evaluating Pre-Trained Models

Our code automatically takes care of downloading pre-trained models (and datasets). The main entry point for visualizations is To generate a high-quality interpolation video in the visuals directory, which shows what each z component has learned, you can simply run:

python --models <DATASET>_<MODEL>

where <DATASET> is one of edges_and_shoes, clevr_simple, clevr_complex, clevr_u or clevr_1fov and <MODEL> is one of ft, fs, info or bl:

  • ft means the model was fine-tuned with the Hessian Penalty
  • fs means the model was trained from scratch with the Hessian Penalty
  • info means the model was regularized with InfoGAN's loss term
  • bl means the model is a vanilla ProGAN (the baseline method ProGAN+ in our paper)

For example, if you want to visualize the model fine-tuned with Hessian Penalty on Edges+Shoes, you would use --models edges_and_shoes_ft; the model checkpoint will be downloaded automatically to the pretrained_models folder. If you wish to evaluate your own .pkl checkpoints, you can instead supply a direct path to them using --models. You can also specify multiple checkpoints to generate visuals for them simultaneously. There are several visualization options; see for details and documentation. You can find visualizations for 20 of our pre-trained models in the Complete Results section of our project page.

To evaluate pre-trained models' PPLs and FIDs, you can use:

python --model <DATASET>_<MODEL> --dataset <DATASET>

This command will automatically download both the model and dataset if needed and then evaluate FID and PPL. (Note that for clevr_u specifically, you should use --model clevr_u_<MODEL> --dataset clevr_simple, since clevr_u is just a model trained on clevr_simple with nz=3)

Finally, if you'd like to compute activeness score histograms (Figure 5 in our paper), the "diagonal-ness" of a model's Hessian (Table 2) or Hessian/Hessian Penalty visualizations (Appendices C and D), you can use

python --models <DATASET>_<MODEL> --fig <see below>
  • --fig hessians will produce visualizations of your models' Hessian matrices
  • --fig diag --samples 100 will compute the two "diagonal-ness" metrics for your model
  • --fig heatmaps will produce visualizations of per-pixel Hessian Penalty heatmaps overlaid on the corresponding fake images
  • --fig active --samples 300 --model_names <names for histograms> --dataset_names <titles for histograms> will create activeness histograms for your models (see the top of for an example)

Figures will be saved to visuals (except --fig diag that outputs directly to the console).

Training and Fine-Tuning

If you'd like to train new models, the main entry point is If you specify one of our datasets with the --dataset argument (edges_and_shoes, clevr_simple, clevr_complex or clevr_1fov), it will be automatically downloaded to the datasets folder. Alternatively, you can set-up your own datasets with:

python create_from_images datasets/<pick_a_dataset_name> <path_to_folder_of_images>

There are several options related to the Hessian Penalty that can be controlled with command-line arguments. Some examples of arguments you can add:

  • hp_lambda: Controls the loss weighting of the Hessian Penalty
  • layers_to_reg: Controls which layers (1 through 13) are regularized by the Hessian Penalty
  • warmup_kimg: When fine-tuning with the Hessian Penalty, controls how quickly the penalty is ramped-up
  • epsilon: Controls granularity of finite differences approximation
  • num_rademacher_samples: Controls how many samples are used to estimate the Hessian Penalty

We include the commands used to train Hessian Penalty models from scratch, vanilla models, and InfoGAN models in the training_scripts folder. For fine-tuning a pre-trained ProGAN with the Hessian Penalty (or just resuming an experiment), you can use the --resume_exp and --resume_snapshot arguments. For example, if you have a network results/00011-my-experiment/network-snapshot-00500.pkl, you can fine-tune it with:

python --resume_exp 11 --resume_snapshot 500 --hp_lambda 0.1 --warmup_kimg 10000 <plus any other command-line arguments you used to launch the original experiment you're fine-tuning from...>

To train a vanilla ProGAN, use --hp_lambda 0. To train with InfoGAN's regularizer, add --infogan_lambda <loss_weighting> --infogan_nz <nz>. This will regularize the first nz components of the z vector with InfoGAN's loss.

This code supports both Tensorboard and the WandB dashboard. If you want to use WandB, specify --dashboard_api wandb and --wandb_entity <entity/username> in your call to Regardless of the dashboard you use, disentanglement visualizations, training losses, network checkpoints, and FID/PPL will be periodically computed and saved to results, which you can then view in your dashboard.


If our code aided your research, please cite our paper:

  title={The Hessian Penalty: A Weak Prior for Unsupervised Disentanglement},
  author={Peebles, William and Peebles, John and Zhu, Jun-Yan and Efros, Alexei A. and Torralba, Antonio},
  booktitle={Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},


We thank Pieter Abbeel, Taesung Park, Richard Zhang, Mathieu Aubry, Ilija Radosavovic, Tim Brooks, Karttikeya Mangalam, and all of BAIR for valuable discussions and encouragement. This work was supported, in part, by grants from SAP, Adobe, and Berkeley DeepDrive.

This repo builds upon NVIDIA's excellent StyleGAN-v1 TensorFlow library. We thank the authors for open-sourcing their code. The original license can be found here.


Code for the Hessian Penalty: A Weak Prior for Unsupervised Disentanglement (ECCV 2020 Spotlight)

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:Python 99.4%Language:Shell 0.6%