MathiasKoch / roberto_robot

Roberto robot software for Robocup

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Roberto the robot!

Roberto the robot is a 4 wheeled robot, built for DTU's annual Robocup competition. The competition requires mobile robots to complete a track with a number of different obstacles and tasks to be completed. More info can be found on (Only available in Danish).

Roberto controls it's wheels in pairs (Left and right respectively) in order to allow pivot sterring, turning around center and sideways locomotion.


Folder structure of Roberto

The folder structure of Roberto is following the generic ROS folder structure. An example of this can be seen on

roberto_description		- Contains URDF description and 3d models of Roberto
roberto_gazebo			- Contains all the models, launch files and world files for simulating in gazebo
roberto_control			- Contains controller definitions and controller specific software
uC_software				- Contains all the software for the microcontrollers on Roberto
robocup 				- Contains information regarding DTU Robocup



To set up a working ros install, with all required packages for Roberto to compile and run, start by installing ROS by following the tutorial on their site: (Roberto is only tested on ROS Indigo)

Furthermore a bunch of linux packages is required in order for the source code to compile: sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libi2c-dev

To run the Roberto simulator, a bunch of ros packages are also needed in order to make it compile and run: sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rosserial-client ros-indigo-rosserial-arduino ros-indigo-rosserial-server ros-indigo-rosserial-msgs ros-indigo-rosserial-python ros-indigo-ros-control ros-indigo-ros-controllers ros-indigo-usb-cam ros-indigo-joy ros-indigo-geographic-msgs

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rosserial-client ros-kinetic-rosserial-arduino ros-kinetic-rosserial-server ros-kinetic-rosserial-msgs ros-kinetic-rosserial-python ros-kinetic-ros-control ros-kinetic-ros-controllers ros-kinetic-joy ros-kinetic-geographic-msgs

ARM and AVR compilers and tools

To be written: Install of arm-none-eabi, openocd, avr-gcc, avrdude and script for rosserial-arduino fix

Roberto Installation

To be written: Catkin workspace initialization

Viewing Roberto in Rviz

NOTE: Rviz is not a simulator, but only a visualizer. This means that there is no physics engine in Rviz, but it is merely an easy way to see visualize how the robot behaves.

roslaunch roberto_description roberto_rviz.launch

Simulating Roberto in Gazebo

To start the simulation in Gazebo, the syntax for now is: roslaunch roberto_gazebo <world file to be launched>.launch

As an example, to spawn Roberto in a gasstation environment run: roslaunch roberto_gazebo roberto_world.launch

In order to see how Gazebo is supposed to interact with real hardware and ROS, please see


Roberto robot software for Robocup


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