MasoudMaghsodi / tech_blog

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Tech Blog

A Flutter-based tech blog application that uses GetX for state management and follows the MVC architecture pattern. The app allows users to browse and publish the latest news and podcasts in the world of technology and programming. Users can also create and share their own articles and podcasts.


  • GetX State Management: Efficiently manage app state with the GetX package.
  • MVC Architecture: Structured project following the Model-View-Controller pattern.
  • Tech News and Podcasts: Browse the latest articles and podcasts related to technology and programming.
  • User-Generated Content: Users can publish their own articles and podcasts.
  • Responsive UI: Adaptive and responsive user interface for various devices.


Follow these steps to set up and run the project locally.


Ensure you have the following installed:

  • Flutter SDK (version 3.24 or higher)
  • Dart SDK
  • Android Studio or Visual Studio Code with Flutter and Dart plugins
  • A physical device or emulator for testing


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd tech_blog
  2. Get the dependencies:

    flutter pub get
  3. Run the application:

    flutter run

    This command will build and run the app on the connected device or emulator.


  • Browse Content: Explore the latest tech news and podcasts in the app.
  • Publish Content: Create and share your own articles or podcasts with other users.
  • User Interaction: Comment on and interact with published content.


Contributions are highly appreciated! If you’d like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/YourFeature).
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/YourFeature).
  5. Open a pull request.

Thank you for your time



Language:Dart 99.1%Language:Ruby 0.6%Language:Swift 0.2%Language:Kotlin 0.1%Language:Objective-C 0.0%