MasonHolland / RadiantFather

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Radiant Father

2D Unity game created using all original art.

Technologies Used

  • Unity 2017.2
  • Anima2D
  • Image editing done primarily in


This was my first attempt at creating a game, I approached it with many ideas that I look to still implement. First came up with this idea in 2015 and decided the concept was manageable for a first game. All original notes for the project can be found here:


Ran into many challenges on this project as it was my first. Largest hurdle was definitely just wrapping my head around Unity as a whole and establishing how I could import all these assets and create new animations and assets with the raw hand drawn images. Found that Anima2D was the best approach for animation as it allowed me to tackle the larger portion of the visual side and not create many hours of work for my artist(my brother). Found lighting to be a large challenge also, this was a huge portion of the project that adds a lot of atmosphere. I struggled to find a free solution to this and am only somewhat pleased with the result. Could not get the enemy projectile established, ran into many issues with that and ended up reverting to a melee attack for the enemy for the time being. I had also never touched C# before this project, so that is also worth mentioning.


  • All animations were created by yours truly.
  • All art by my brother(@h0ll0wb0nes on instagram).
  • Lighting works on some level
  • Enemies pursue the player and initiate attacks once in range
  • Game has a win and lose state

Next steps / in progress

  • Add dynamic lighting to character
  • Adjust lighting source to truly radiate from the sword
  • Enemy projectile
  • Start Menu
  • More sounds
  • Clean up animations
  • Create multiple Enemies
  • Add player attacks and run
  • Deploy to web and other platforms

Setup Instructions

If you would like the source code, you need only clone down the repo and open it in Unity as this is my whole project directory. However if you are just interested in playing the game; a copy of the game for Mac can be downloaded and run locally from this address:



Language:C# 84.4%Language:HLSL 10.4%Language:ShaderLab 5.2%