MasahiroSakoda / dotfiles

multi-platform dotfiles powered by chezmoi

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool





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multi-platform dotfiles powered by chezmoi

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Table of Contents


  • One Line Install
  • dotfiles management using chezmoi

Getting Started

curl -fsSL | bash


Configure dotfiles

chezmoi edit $DOTFILES

Apply changes

chezmoi apply


chezmoi diff
chezmoi update


Homebrew packages

Package Category Notes
Fish Shell
starship Prompt
tmux Screen tmux.conf
NeoVim Editor See Detail
mise Version Control See Detail
fzf Fuzzy finder Wiki
ripgrep grep alternative User Guide
fd find alternative
bat cat alternative config
bottom top alternative bottom.toml

Other Homebrew packages: Brewfile

fish shell

Plugin Notes
fisher A plugin manager for Fish
fzf Ef-🐟-ient fish keybindings for fzf
z Pure-fish z directory jumping
dracula 🧛🏻‍♂️ Dark theme for fish Auto-complete matching pairs in the Fish command line
done A fish-shell package to automatically receive notifications when long processes finish.


NeoVim-mason nvim

Plugin managed by lazy.nvim See also: Plugin list

Language Server Language
bash-language-server Bash
clangd C/C++
rust-analyzer Rust
gopls Go
pyright Python
ruby-lsp Ruby
deno JavaScript, TypeScript
typescript-language-server JavaScript, TypeScript
lua-language-server Lua
vim-language-server VimScript
html-lsp HTML
css-lsp CSS, SCSS, LESS
json-lsp JSON
yaml-language-server YAML
sqlls SQL
graphql-language-service GraphQL
cmake-language-server CMake
dockerfile-language-server Dockerfile
terraform-ls Terraform
Marksman Markdown


Adapter Language
bash-debug-adapter Bash
codelldb C/C++, Rust
cpptools C/C++, Rust
delve Go
debugpy Python
js-debug-adapter Javascript/TyptScript


Linter Notes
typos Source code spell checker
revive Fast Linter for golang
ruff-lsp Python Linter/Formatter
rubocop Ruby linter/formatter
vint VimScript linter
biome Fast Linter/Formatter for modern web development
hadolint Dockerfile linter
markdownlint markdown linter/formatter
Formatter Notes
clang-format C++formatter
jq JSON formatter
yq YAML formatter
sql-formatter SQL formatter
stylua Lua formatter
xmlformatter XML formatter
yamlfmt YAML formatter
Telescope extensions
Plugin Notes
telescope-frecency Frecency algorithm search
telescope-file-browser File Browser
telescope-egrepify live grep extension
telescope-lazy lazy.nvim extension
telescope-dap DAP Extension

NeoVim-telescope nvim

AI Assistant


Runtime version management tool

.tool-versions used by asdf is deactivated to prevent confliction & confusion.

global language environment predefined in .chezmoidata.toml

File Usage
~/.config/mise/settings.toml System settings
~/.config/mise/config.toml Global config
.mise.toml Local config
configured tools
Runtime Version
Go latest
Python 3.12
Ruby 3.3
Node.js 20
Deno 1
Bun 1

Homebrew cask packages


Package Configuration files
Karabiner-Elements ~/.config/karabiner
Hammerspoon ~/.hammerspoon


Package Notes
font-codicon Icon Font
font-jetbrains-mono-nerd-font Open Source Font
font-cica Monospaced Font for Japanese
font-hackgen-nerd Programming Font for Japanese
font-plemol-jp-nfj IBM Plex base Font for Japanese
font-udev-gothic-nf BIZ UD Gothic + JetBrains Mono for Japanese

Dev packages

Package Category
iTerm2 Terminal
Alacritty Terminal
wezterm Terminal
Visual Studio Code IDE
Docker Container
TablePlus Database
drawio Diagram
termshark Network
TunnelBear VPN

Other Homebrew cask packages: Caskfile

App Store apps

See Masfile


multi-platform dotfiles powered by chezmoi

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 78.9%Language:Shell 16.4%Language:JavaScript 2.3%Language:Ruby 2.1%Language:Python 0.3%