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MaryaEstova's repositories


Basic cloth simulation using Verlet integration



LuxRenderer is a rendering system that is capable of rendering high quality images, which rival that of pbrt. This is a project that use no dependent library and only pure c++, and also took so damn looong to finish since everything have to be written from the scratch, and everything have to be self-study. This Project is the pinnacle of years of strenuous struggle and fierce fighting. The project was named after Lux, my favorite girl from League Of Legends, my others favorite are Caitlyn and Syndra, you can find theirs images at honorable position in rendered images, its years since I met them. Here are the List Of Features That Lux can offers you: Unidrectional Path Tracing with NEE. SAH BVH. Render models with 10M+ triangles. Normal mapping and convert bump map to normal map. ALpha Texture. Enviroment Mapping. SSE Ray-Box Intersection (optional). Lambert, Mirror. Glass of different kinds. Microfacet model. ThinDielectric, ThinSheet, ClearCoat. Adaptive Sampling. Openmp parallel. And Many More...



OpenGL Object Loading can load virtually every 3d.obj file you can find on the internet, without using another object loading library (assimp for example). The program can load Object with 12M+ triangles and more



Real Time Global Illumination With Voxel Cone Tracing
