MaryGeraseva / web-elements-tests

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WebElementsTests project

This project is a test automation framework which realizes interactions with the most common type of web elements and uses the most popular techniques.
Created methods for working with web elements are enough to make various test scenarios. In the project I used the Singleton, the Page Object and the Factory patterns. All tests can run multithreaded.
A couple of tests realize DDT techniques: the TestNG data provider, reading test data from CSV and JSON files.
The test framework includes a logging and a reporting.


Java, Maven, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, TestNG, Log4j, Allure


The report is a result of tests so I paid special attention to logging and reporting.
The project uses a thread-safe singleton logger. The logger makes a personal log file for the each test method run “on the fly” and attaches it to the Allure report. It’s really handy to inspect.
There is also used Allure reporting features for showing the most important test steps. The framework makes a screenshot on the each test failure and shows it within the Allure report.


How to run the project on Windows OS

  • deploy Selenium grid server or skip this step and run locally
  • run the test suite with parameters

How to deploy Selenium grid

(as an example locally with two nodes)

  • download Selenium Standalone Server
  • create a new hub
    • open a new command line
    • create the hub
      java -jar [$user.dir]\selenium-server-standalone-<version>.jar -role hub
  • open in browser server by URL for checking http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
  • create the first node
    • open a new command line and go to the project folder
      cd [$user.dir]/webElementsTests
    • create the first default node
      • run the node with chrome browsers
        java\drivers\chromedriver.exe -jar [$user.dir]\selenium-server-standalone-<version>.jar -role node -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register -port 5555
      • or run the node with firefox browsers
        java -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver=.\drivers\geckodriver.exe -jar [$user.dir]\selenium-server-standalone-<version>.jar -role node -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register -port 5555
  • create the second node
    repeat the previous step and just change port -port 5555 to -port 5556
  • go to grid hub console for checking http://localhost:4444/grid/console

How to run the tests suite

  • open command line
  • go to the project folder
    cd [$user.dir]/webElementsTests
  • run testNG suite by default (on chrome locally)
    mvn clean test -Dsurefire.suiteXmlFiles=.\src\test\resources\xml\allTestsSuite.xml
    or add parameters:
    • run on Selenium grid server -Dselenium.server=grid -Dserver.url="http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"
    • run on chrome -Dselenium.browser=chrome
    • run on firefox -Dselenium.browser=firefox
    • run on chrome headless -Dselenium.browser=chrome.headless
    • run on firefox headless -Dselenium.browser=firefox.headless
    • run on chrome mobile emulation and add mobile device name -Dselenium.deviceName="Pixel 2"
      you can use any mobile device name from chrome list
  • generate allure report mvn allure:serve

For feedback

telegram: @MaryGeraseva
skype: mary_geraseva



Language:Java 81.2%Language:JavaScript 7.5%Language:Shell 6.9%Language:Batchfile 3.8%Language:CSS 0.5%