This is the MyFatoorah Payment Gateway Laravel package. MyFatoorah Laravel is based on myfatoorah composer package.
- Create MyFatoorah invoices.
- Check the MyFatoorah payment status for invoice/payment.
- Install the package via MarwaMourad15/laravel-myfatoorah composer.
composer require MarwaMourad15/laravel-myfatoorah
- Publish the MyFatoorah provider using the following CLI command.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MarwaMourad15\LaravelPaymentMyfatoorah\MyFatoorahServiceProvider" --tag="myfatoorah"
- To test the payment cycle, type the below URL onto your browser. Replace only the
with your site domain.
- Customize the app/Http/Controllers/MyFatoorahController.php file as per your site needs.
Edit the config/myfatoorah.php file with your correct vendor data.
Demo configuration
- You can use the test API token key mentioned here.
- Make sure the test mode is true.
- You can use one of the test cards.
Live Configuration