Marukon / Riru-InternalBrowserRedirect-Rules

Rules for Riru-InternalBrowserRedirect

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Riru - InternalBrowserRedirect Rules

Rules for Riru - InternalBrowserRedirect


Rules Repo Structure

|--- packages.json
|--- rules
     |--- <package>.json
     |--- <package2>.json
     |--- <package3>.json
     |--- ...json
  • packages.json - Version and target package of ALL rules
  • rules directory - All rules save in this directiry
  • <package>.json - Rule for <package>

File Structure


	"packages": [
			"packageName": "com.tencent.tim",
			"version": 2
  • packages - Array for rules
  • packageName - Target package of rule in rules directory
  • version - Version of rule in rules directory


    "tag": "TIM",
    "authors": "Kr328",
    "rules": [
            "tag": "default",
            "url-source": "intent://extra/url",
            "url-filter": {
                "ignore": ".*qq\\.com/.*",
                "force": ""
            "tag" :"build-in QQ Mail",
            "url-source": "intent://extra/pluginsdk_inner_intent_extras/url",
            "url-filter": {
                "ignore": ".*qq\\.com/.*",
                "force": ""
  • tag - Rule mark that display in controller app

  • authors - Rules authors (eg. Kr328, null, ...)

  • rules - Rules array

  • url-source - Path that extract URL from intent

    intent://extra/url actually extract by


    intent://extra/pluginsdk_inner_intent_extras/url actually extract by

  • url-filter - URL from intent that be filtered by regex ignore and force

Tips for find intent url path

  1. Enable Controller App's Debug Mode

    Menu - Settings - Debug Mode

  2. Install Android Debug Bridge

    Google it please

  3. Using adb logcat

    adb logcat -s InternalBrowserRedirect -v raw
  4. Reopen TARGET APPLICATION 's internal browser

  5. ALL Intent structure will print to terminal


    Extract url in above image by intent://extra/pluginsdk_inner_intent_extras/url


Rules for Riru-InternalBrowserRedirect

License:MIT License