Martlark / url-for-react

Factory class to allow easy handling of react router components

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url-for-react is a factory class to centralize router handling for page components.

A big problem using React's react-router-dom is the disconnect between Components, URL routes and parameters. This can end up in string constants all over the place ,making maintaining routes and components confusing.

The main idea is to have an exported factory Class that builds routes, links and parameter handling. This factory class is kept with the component, allowing easier handling of routing, parameter and component changes.

Importing the factory class into a component allows that component to route to or link using it. The component used by UrlFor does not need to be exported. This greatly simplifies handling routed components. Providing further decoupling.


npm install url-for-react

Quick start


Routed component

    export default function Word(props) {
        const [word, setWord] = useState(null);
        useEffect(() => {
        }, [props]);
        return <h1>Word {word}</h1>

Navigation and switching.

            <Link to="/word/hello">Word hello</Link>
        <Route exact path="/word/:word" component={Word}>


Routed component

    export const routeWord = new UrlFor("/word/:word", Word, "Words", "Pick the word");

    export default function Word(props) {
        const [word, setWord] = useState(null);
        useEffect(() => {
        }, [props]);
        return <h1>Word {word}</h1>

Navigation and switching.

            {routeWord.LinkTo('hello', 'hello')}


Factory class

UrlFor(route, component, text, title)
parameter description example
route a react-router-dom route specification "/show_word/:word"
component the React component that responds to the route Word
text text of a link if non supplied by LinkTo "Click me"
title the title= attribute for a LinkTo "Open the show word page"



LinkTo(request_id, text, title)

Returns a react-router-dom Link component.

parameter description
request_id any single parameter for the link
text text of the link
title the title= attribute

NOTE: only one parameter or none is allowed.



Returns a react-router-dom Route component for use in <Switch>.

NOTE: always uses the exact attribute.



Returns the parameter passed into the route. props can be props or match or params.

NOTE: only one parameter is supported.


Factory class to allow easy handling of react router components


Language:JavaScript 96.0%Language:HTML 4.0%