MarshallCB / themepark

Tiny library for reactive CSS Variable themes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Reactive CSS Variables


  • Write reactive CSS with minimal overhead
  • Isomorphic (importable on both server and browser)
  • Works on all modern browsers: Browser Compatibility
  • Super easy to support night mode


1. Import Themepark

Install package (via npm)

npm i themepark
// ESM syntax
import { themepark } from 'themepark';
// CJS syntax
var { themepark } = require('themepark')

Script tag (via unpkg):

<!-- Available as global variable themepark -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Later -->
  let theme = themepark(/***/); // theme parameters / definitions go here

Browser Module (via skypack):

import { themepark } from '';

2. Create and use theme

  // Initialize theme
  let theme = themepark({
    night: false,
    hue: 220
  }, ({ night, hue }) => ({
    primary: `hsl(${hue}, 100%, 50%)`,
    background: night ? `hsl(${primary}, 20%, 20%)` : `white`,
    text: night ? `white` : `hsl(200, 20%, 20%)`

  // Subscribe to changes in the theme
  let unsub = theme.$(({ night, hue, primary, background, text }) => {
    console.log(night) // false
    console.log(primary) // hsl(220,100%,50%)

  // Unsubcribe from updates

  // Apply CSS var definitions to the body element and auto-subscribe to updates

  // Directly access values (sync)
  console.log(theme.$.primary) // `hsl(220,100%,50%)`
  console.log(theme.$.night) // false

  // Update theme granularly
  theme.hue = 120;

  // Update theme with multiple changes
    hue: 320,
    night: true

  // Get CSS var definitions as string
  console.log(theme.toString()) // --primary:hsl(320,100%,50%);--background:hsl(320,20%,20%);--text:white;

  // Get var reference as string
  console.log(theme.text) // var(--text)


let theme = themepark(parameters, definitions)

Creates a new instance of Themepark

parameters: stateful values that can be used by definitions and can updated to trigger a recalculation of styles definitions: a function that takes parameters as its input and returns an object corresponding to the desired CSS variables


let theme = themepark({
  night: true,
  hue: 220
}, ({ night, hue }) => ({
  primary: `hsl(${hue}, 100%, 50%)`, // primary color depends on the hue in parameters
  bg: night ? `#112` : `#fff` // if night mode, dark background - else, white background

theme.$(() => {})

Subscribe to theme updates


Finds all DOM elements with matching CSS query and automatically style those elements


Synchronously get the value of var_name


Get the string of the CSS variable (for inserting directly into styles)

Ex: theme.primary ~> "var(--primary)"

theme[param] = value

Update a parameter, recompute css vars, and trigger all subscribers to update


Assigns all properties in obj to params and triggers all subscribers to update


MIT © Marshall Brandt


Tiny library for reactive CSS Variable themes

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 66.4%Language:HTML 33.6%