MarquisLP / media-player

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


NPM version

Note: this is a "labs" component. While functional, these tasks are prerequisites to promotion to BrightspaceUI "official" status:

A LitElement based media player component, designed for similarity across browsers. Capable of playing video and audio content.

Displaying video Example of video

Displaying audio Example of audio


To install from NPM:

npm install @brightspace-ui-labs/media-player


<script type="module">
    import '@brightspace-ui-labs/media-player/media-player.js';
<d2l-labs-media-player src="/video.webm"></d2l-labs-media-player>


Attribute Type Default Description
allow-download Boolean false If set, will allow the media to be downloaded.
autoplay Boolean false If set, will play the media as soon as it has been loaded.
crossorigin String null If set, will set the crossorigin attribute on the underlying media element to the set value.
hide-seek-bar Boolean false If set, the seek bar will not be shown.
locale String en If set, will display chapter titles in the given locale when possible.
loop Boolean false If set, once the media has finished playing it will replay from the beginning.
media-type ["video", "audio"] null Whether the video or audio player should be rendered. If not set, a loading indicator will be displayed until set.
metadata JSON false Metadata JSON of the video, contains chapters and cuts data.
poster String null URL of the image to display in place of the media before it has loaded.
src String URL of the media to play. If multiple sources are desired, use <source> tags instead (see below).
thumbnails String If set, will show thumbnails on preview. See below for required format.
<!-- Render a media player with a source file and loop the media when it reaches the end -->

<d2l-labs-media-player loop src="./local-video.mp4"></d2l-labs-media-player>


Property Type Get/Set Description
currentTime Number Get & Set Current time playback time of the media in seconds.
activeCue Object Get VTTCue instance for the currently-displayed captions cue. If no cue is currently displayed, the value is null.
duration Number Get Total duration of the media in seconds.
ended Boolean Get Whether or not the video has ended.
paused Boolean Get Whether or not the video is currently paused.
sourceType ["audio", "video", "unknown"] Get The source type of the media.
textTracks [TextTrack] Get The TextTracks, for handling WebVTT. (See MDN link)
// Programatically determine the current playback time of the media player

console.log(`Current playback time of the media player = ${this.document.querySelector('d2l-labs-media-player').currentTime} sec`);


Method Type Description
exitFullscreen() void Requests to exit fullscreen mode from the browser. Ignored if it is not playing video content, or if the video is not in fullscreen mode.
play() void Begins playing the media. Ignored if the media is already playing.
pause() void Pauses the media. Ignored if the media is already paused.
requestFullscreen() void Requests fullscreen mode from the browser. Ignored if it is not playing video content, or the video is already in fullscreen mode.
// Programatically pause the media player



Event Description
cuechange Dispatched when the currently-displayed captions cue changes.
ended Dispatched when the media has reached the end of its duration.
error Dispatched when the media failed to load.
loadeddata Dispatched when the media at the current playback position has finished loading. Often the first frame.
loadedmetadata Dispatched when the metadata for the media has finished loading.
play Dispatched when the media begins playing.
pause Dispatched when the media is paused.
timeupdate Dispatched when the currentTime of the media player has been updated.
trackloaded Dispatched when a track element has loaded.
trackloadfailed Dispatched when a track element could not be loaded from the provided src attribute.
tracksmenuitemchanged Dispatched when the tracks menu item has changed.
// Listen for the loadeddata event

this.document.querySelector('d2l-labs-media-player').addEventListener('loadeddata', () => {
	console.log('loadeddata event has been dispatched');

Multiple qualities using <source>

The media player supports switching to different qualities. If multiple <source> tags are present, a quality selector will be available in the menu. In this case, do not set src on d2l-labs-media-player.

  <source src="sample-video-144p.mp4" label="SD">
  <source src="sample-video.mp4" label="HD" default>


Attribute Type Default Description
label String, required The label for the track, displayed to the user for selection.
src String, required The URL of the source file.
default Boolean false The source to be selected by default. If no source has the default attribute, then the first <source> tag is selected by default. Only one default should be set.

Showing thumbnails preview with thumbnails attribute

Provide a url to the thumbnails sprite image. This sprite is a grid of images taken from the video, at a set interval.

e.g. sample video thumbnails sprite Example thumbnails sprite

The thumbnail file name must use the following format: tw<width>h<height>i<interval>-<hash>.[png|jpg]

  • width and height are the width/height px of each individual thumbnail
  • interval indicates how many seconds apart each thumbnail is

For example, a sprite image named tw160h90i5-<hash>png has the thumbnails 5 seconds apart, with width 160px and height 90px.

Attribute Required Default Description
hash optional
height optional 90px Height px of each individual thumbnail in the sprite.
interval required Interval in seconds between each thumbnail.
width optional 160px Width px of each individual thumbnail in the sprite.

Chapters with metadata attribute

Provide metadata JSON e.g. getMetadata endpoint

Example format:

    "cuts": [
      "in": 20,
      "out": 30
    "chapters": [
        "time": 0,
        "title": {
          "en": "Chapter One",
          "fr": "Chapitre Un"
        "time": 30,
        "title": {
          "en": "Chapter Two",
          "fr": "Chapitre Deux"
        "time": 70,
        "title": {
          "en": "Chapter Three",
          "fr": "Chapitre Trois"

Captions and Subtitles Using <track>

The media player supports captions and subtitles, provided as .srt or .vtt files. If any valid tracks are present, a captions menu will be presented in the settings menu with an item for each track.

<script type="module">
    import '@brightspace-ui-labs/media-player/media-player.js';
<d2l-labs-media-player src="/video.webm">
	<track src="/" srclang="en" label="English" kind="captions">
	<track src="/french-captions.vtt" srclang="fr" label="French" kind="captions">


Attribute Type Default Description
kind ["captions", "subtitles"], required The kind of track.
label String, required The label for the track, displayed to the user for selection.
src String, required The URL of the source file.
srclang String, required The language's code.
default Boolean false The track to be selected by default. If D2L.MediaPlayer.Preferences.Track is defined in local storage, then it will take precedence over this attribute.
default-ignore-preferences Boolean false Same as default, but if D2L.MediaPlayer.Preferences.Track is defined, it will be ignored and this track will be selected instead.

Local Storage

The media player uses local storage to persist the user's playback speed, track selections, and volume.


Key Description
D2L.MediaPlayer.Preferences.Speed Playback speed that was last selected.
D2L.MediaPlayer.Preferences.Track Identifier for the kind and language of the track that was last selected.
D2L.MediaPlayer.Preferences.Volume Volume that was last selected.


The following features are implemented to improve accessibility:

  • all controls can be accessed using the mouse or keyboard
  • captions can be provided to the media player
  • important events, such as a media source failing to load, are displayed visually and announced by screen readers

Developing, Testing and Contributing

After cloning the repo, run npm install to install dependencies.

Running the demos

To start an es-dev-server that hosts the demo page and tests:

npm start


# eslint and lit-analyzer
npm run lint

# eslint only
npm run lint:eslint

# lit-analyzer only
npm run lint:lit


# lint, unit test and visual-diff test
npm test

# lint only
npm run lint

# unit tests only
npm run test:headless

# debug or run a subset of local unit tests
# then navigate to `http://localhost:9876/debug.html`
npm run test:headless:watch

Visual Diff Testing

This repo uses the @brightspace-ui/visual-diff utility to compare current snapshots against a set of golden snapshots stored in source control.

The golden snapshots in source control must be updated by Github Actions. If your PR's code changes result in visual differences, a PR with the new goldens will be automatically opened for you against your branch.

If you'd like to run the tests locally to help troubleshoot or develop new tests, you can use these commands:

# Install dependencies locally
npm i mocha -g
npm i @brightspace-ui/visual-diff puppeteer --no-save
# run visual-diff tests
mocha './test/**/*.visual-diff.js' -t 10000
# subset of visual-diff tests:
mocha './test/**/*.visual-diff.js' -t 10000 -g some-pattern
# update visual-diff goldens
mocha './test/**/*.visual-diff.js' -t 10000 --golden

Versioning & Releasing

TL;DR: Commits prefixed with fix: and feat: will trigger patch and minor releases when merged to master. Read on for more details...

The sematic-release GitHub Action is called from the release.yml GitHub Action workflow to handle version changes and releasing.

Version Changes

All version changes should obey semantic versioning rules:

  1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
  2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
  3. PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.

The next version number will be determined from the commit messages since the previous release. Our semantic-release configuration uses the Angular convention when analyzing commits:

  • Commits which are prefixed with fix: or perf: will trigger a patch release. Example: fix: validate input before using
  • Commits which are prefixed with feat: will trigger a minor release. Example: feat: add toggle() method
  • To trigger a MAJOR release, include BREAKING CHANGE: with a space or two newlines in the footer of the commit message
  • Other suggested prefixes which will NOT trigger a release: build:, ci:, docs:, style:, refactor: and test:. Example: docs: adding README for new component

To revert a change, add the revert: prefix to the original commit message. This will cause the reverted change to be omitted from the release notes. Example: revert: fix: validate input before using.


When a release is triggered, it will:

  • Update the version in package.json
  • Tag the commit
  • Create a GitHub release (including release notes)
  • Deploy a new package to NPM

Releasing from Maintenance Branches

Occasionally you'll want to backport a feature or bug fix to an older release. semantic-release refers to these as maintenance branches.

Maintenance branch names should be of the form: +([0-9])?(.{+([0-9]),x}).x.

Regular expressions are complicated, but this essentially means branch names should look like:

  • 1.15.x for patch releases on top of the 1.15 release (after version 1.16 exists)
  • 2.x for feature releases on top of the 2 release (after version 3 exists)


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 98.4%Language:HTML 1.6%