MarkLifes / BlogBackendProject

Backend code for my blogs, develop with Django Rest framework.

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Front and back end of the separation of the blog project - back-end projects

Blog has been online, welcome to browse:


This repository stores the backend code for blog entries, built using Django and the Django Rest Framework.

Note: The front-end code repository linked to this repository is linked here [Blog-Frontend-Project] ( and the front-end code is implemented using Vue.js + Vue-Router + iView.js.

Control Panel effect display::

Home Page

Book List Page

All Post List Page

Add Article Page

Add Article Page

Add Article Page

Overall technology stack

  1. Python environment: Python 3.6.2

  2. Mainly dependent

Note: For more technical stack dependencies, see the requirements.txt file

Implemented basic functions

Back-end project has achieved 19 interfaces, the main function points are as follows:

  1. The realization of the three sections: articles, atlas and photography, respectively, corresponding to the three different modes of presentation; at the same time to achieve time-axis archiving section;
  2. Implementation of the management console in the three sections of the article's release, you can publish Markdown format article (using EditorMD editor); 3 comment function, the current method is to use the nickname + email, the first comment will verify the mailbox (by sending a verification code);
  3. Achieve the article encryption function;
  4. Implementation of the seven cattle cloud storage services docking, publishing reviews and other operations will upload the image data to the seven Niuniu; currently does not provide the corresponding services within the project, such as the need to docking please buy seven Niuniu storage object services;

Note: The xadmin, EditorMD and other plug-ins used in the project are developed for the second time. In order to cooperate with the project-specific functions, please do not change the plug-in easily.

Next will be achieved

  1. Access GitHub, WeChat, Weibo, Facebook and other third-party login comments.
  2. Add more columns.

How to use

  1. Clone this project
  2. local installation of Python3 and pip environment;
  3. After installing the virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper environment, execute the following command to create a virtual environment:
# Create a workspace
> mkvirtualenv BlogBackend
# Activate the workspace
> workon BlogBackend
# Change to the root directory of this project, Install dependencies
> pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Next, if you are using PyCharm as a development environment, modify its Project Interpreter to workspace we made above.
  2. In this project, sensitive account information is not provided, but stored in file, this file is not managed to the warehouse, so you need to create a file in the same level file Document, which reads as follows:
#! / usr / bin / python3
# - * - coding: utf-8 - * -
# @Time: 2017/12/29 6:01 PM
# @Author: LennonChin
# @Email:
# @File:
# @Software: PyCharm

# Database connection configuration
    'ENGINE': '', # Database Engine
    'NAME': '', # database name used in the database
    "USER": '', # database user name
    "PASSWORD": '', # database password
    "HOST": '', # database address
    'PORT': 3306, # database access port,MySQL is 3306 default
    'OPTIONS': {
        "init_command": "SET default_storage_engine = INNODB;",

# Send mail server configuration
    'EMAIL_HOST': "", # mail server address
    'EMAIL_PORT': 25, # mail server port, usually 25
    'EMAIL_HOST_USER': "", # mail server account
    'EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD': "", # mail server password
    'EMAIL_USE_TLS': False, # Whether to use TLS encryption connection, generally not used
    'EMAIL_FROM': "" # This item is generally the same as EMAIL_HOST

# Qiniu Yun related configuration
PRIVATE_QINIU_ACCESS_KEY = '' # Qiniu Access key
PRIVATE_QINIU_SECRET_KEY = '' # Qiniu Secret key
PRIVATE_QINIU_BUCKET_DOMAIN = '' # Qiniu Bucket domain

PRIVATE_MEDIA_URL_PREFIX = '' # Resource prefix used when accessing Cattle Cloud
PRIVATE_SITE_BASE_URL = '' # Site URL, for example as you site access domain
  1. Configure the above configs, use the following command to migrate the table:
> python makemigrations
> python migrate

Note: If the migration fails, you can migrate by user, material, base, user_operation, index and remaining modules in that order.

  1. Then start the project directly use the following command:
> python runserver

By default, if you run the evelopment Server after running ' 8000, the provided interface is at, background management address 8000/xadmin.

At the same time, if you want the front-end to access the back-end interface, you need to fill in the site information in the back-end of the basic configuration - Web site configuration, the most important thing is to fill in the API interface BaseURL entry for your front-end page to access the interface API.


[Apache-2.0] (

Copyright (c) 2016-present, LennonChin


Backend code for my blogs, develop with Django Rest framework.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 70.4%Language:Python 13.3%Language:HTML 8.6%Language:CSS 7.0%Language:PHP 0.8%Language:ASP 0.1%Language:Java 0.0%