Mark-Life / ozma-tks-import

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tinkoff acquiring to Ozma import bot


Packages needed:

  • Flask
  • waitress (production WSGI server)

That's basically it, everything else is in Python 3.7.0 already I think.


Use config.json to configure your bot:

Key Value Comment
Terminal Terminal name to watch out for, provided by Tinkoff
Password Password for the said terminal
address API base address for Ozma instance
username Username for Ozma instance
password Password for said username Yeah, yeah, I know, using "Password" and "password" is jank. Gonna need to change that.
client_id Client ID for the bot in Ozma Usually "tinkoffozmabot"
client_secret Client secret Usually "b9e5f47a-bc97-4146-abe1-048d95d396d5"
schema_name Schema name for the transaction table in ozma
view_name Transaction table view name


Just run file with python. That will start a publicly accessible Flask server. It needs to be accessable from the outside, obviously, so the acquiring can POST stuff to it.

Remember to put in your address, from which this server will be accessible from the outside, into Tinkoff acquiring, so the acquiring actually knows where it should POST updates to.

Current functions

Currently service responds to two requests, /pay-form and /tinkoff. First one happens right after form sending by user and before payment, so there are some basic information, who and what paying for. This data sends to Ozma after little reformatting. Second, /tinkoff, happens several times and have some status changes from Tinkoff API, in easiest success case it's two requests with AUTHORIZED and CONFIRMED statuses, order not guaranteed. Afer receiving this request service tries to find order with same OrderId and updates it's data.

/pay-form body example:

{'Amount': 100,
 'DATA': {'Email': '',
          'Name': 'Noname Noname',
          'Phone': '+7(000)000-00-00'},
 'Description': 'Тест',
 'OrderId': 2505,
 'Receipt': {'Email': '',
             'EmailCompany': '',
             'Items': [{'Amount': 100,
                        'Name': 'Тест',
                        'PaymentMethod': 'full_payment',
                        'PaymentObject': 'service',
                        'Price': 100,
                        'Quantity': 1,
                        'Tax': 'none'}],
             'Phone': '+7(000)000-00-00',
             'Taxation': 'usn_income'},
 'TerminalKey': '0123456789'}

/tinkoff body example:

{'Amount': 100,
 'CardId': 0123456,
 'ErrorCode': '0',
 'ExpDate': '01234',
 'OrderId': '1234',
 'Pan': '0123456******654321',
 'PaymentId': 123456,
 'Status': 'CONFIRMED',
 'Success': True,
 'TerminalKey': '0123456789',
 'Token': '4a7353b7ba5344b323aa8da67c9a17ae305bd827e115fcf2c2209fa00c73188d'}

What's next

  • Check for data validity from Tinkoff
  • Configure Flask properly
  • Possibly manual .csv import for inputting older entries

How to

Restart service

git pull &&
sudo ./ 



Language:Python 97.5%Language:Dockerfile 1.4%Language:Shell 1.0%