MarioMasta64 / EverythingPortable


Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comMarioMasta64/EverythingPortableRepository from Github https://github.comMarioMasta64/EverythingPortable

when i die

you wont have to worry about remaking anything anymore all my unfinished projects will never be seen of, it can all be done better anyways so dont worry someone else will take my place


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about the project

i created this back in the day because i didnt use to have my own pc only a usb drive what i had back then was essentially the quicklaunchers dumbed down because i couldnt install stuff on the library computers

back then the only projects were: minecraft, steam, and obs because thats what i used (back then portableapps didnt have most of these)

one day my drive died so i decided to pretty them up and make them basically the equivalent of the "poc" launchers with all the automation to install and launch

nowadays it delves further and im always looking for new things to tinker around with

now as for the project

pros: software that has licenses or requires logins or cannot be repackaged due to licenses can be there, you can see the entire setup process in plaintext and recreate it if you want to

cons: its very likely to break since its a script and this is mostly only a hobby project i do to familiarize myself with different programs and how to make them portable and is a very amateur project that may work but is held together by bandages and shouldnt be taken seriously but if you find any of it helpful then thats nice

nowadays why do i maintain the project?

ive always had a fascination with doing things in limiting circumstances from old / weird tech to languages ive made checkers in a nsis installer a text reader in batch converted c code to batch and so on

original this was batch as a limitation of it being one of the few things i could run on a library computer without antivirus and rules getting in the way but nowadays it is me having fun testing the limits of what a limited and ridiculed language can do

this project was never meant to be taken seriously

however i still try to make it somewhat nice for those who find it and want to use it and i still use this stuff to the day so that i can keep up with my own project better

this project has been revived

i finally started working on the project again after many years and everything works again aside whats notes in the issues below

also issues are to be reported here:



allows downloading binaries from my repositories (all things ive released)

allows removing binaries

all binaries can coexist in harmony

all binaries are now easier to use

binaries now have options to download needed .dll files (specificly for obs portable and cemu portable)

now includes downloader option in all my other projects

option to write quicklaunchers

suite can now update launchers ! (any old launchers must be updated manually first as the old launchers dont have "hooks" to the new suites updater)

Known Issues:

many of the launchers had a broken update process (goto Update-Now should've been goto UpdateNow) this has been fixed and is easily updateable anyways simply type "UpdateNow" at the menu

Rules of Kindness:

you may modify this without permission for your own personal use but if you wish to edit it i would appreciate if you ran it by me first (and dont do like some people have done where they simply take my entire launcher replace the "you may edit this for your own personal use only" credits with your own handle and put it in a gist, that is just sad.)

permission to request: making wrappers or guis for the launcher (many projects such as slimapps and portableapps and such already do what my project does and way better i would suggest using them instead if you want a gui without issues theyre likely made better as well), making edits to add functions (request it and more than likely id be willing to add it myself)

Personal Notes:

ill update this as needed. but seriously if you want a gui just use a different project thats not what this is made for. this is simply for "its bare minimum i can do it quickly i dont have to think that hard (except for when i do; exa: epic games portable) and moreso a prototype just to use for myself than anyone else, so if you want quality and not something that has bugs everywhere i suggest you look elsewhere, sure it may work but the fact that everything is done live means it could break alot in the future and what works now likely wont work later, theres a reason people make repacks when making portables instead of doing it live and this is why, its just a silly project.

TL;DR dont take the project seriously if its good for you great but its primarily made with my needs in mind. if you want something better i reccommond searching up your favorite program and adding ".paf.exe" to it