MarioJuniorPro / poc-ca-typescript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

POC - Clean Architecture with Express and Typescript

⚠️ This project is for demonstration only, do not use in production. ⚠️


npm install

Copy the example .env file before running the app. If needed, set any specific credential.

cp .env.example .env


npm run dev

To use the debug mode:

npm run dev:debug

If you're using Visual Studio Code, the debugger is configured to automatically attach to the process.


To run the optimized version the application must be compiled.

npm run build

Now it possible to run using:

npm start


🚧 Docker environment is not prepared for development or debug using containers.

🚧 Docker image is set to copy the .env file during the build.

docker build --tag poc-ca-typescript:prod --target production .
docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 --env-file ./.env poc-ca-typescript:prod



Language:TypeScript 74.2%Language:JavaScript 18.7%Language:Dockerfile 4.1%Language:Shell 3.0%