MarioCarrion / todo-api-microservice-example

Go microservice tutorial project using Domain Driven Design and Onion Architecture!

Repository from Github https://github.comMarioCarrion/todo-api-microservice-exampleRepository from Github https://github.comMarioCarrion/todo-api-microservice-example

"ToDo API" Microservice Example



Welcome! đź‘‹

This is an educational repository that includes a microservice written in Go. It is used as the principal example of my video series: Building Microservices in Go.

This repository is not a template nor a framework, it's a collection of patterns and guidelines I've successfully used to deliver enterprise microservices when using Go, and just like with everything in Software Development some trade-offs were made.

My end goal with this project is to help you learn another way to structure your Go project with 3 final goals:

  1. It is enterprise, meant to last for years,
  2. It allows a team to collaborate efficiently with little friction, and
  3. It is as idiomatic as possible.

Join the fun at

Domain Driven Design

This project uses a lot of the ideas introduced by Eric Evans in his book Domain Driven Design, I do encourage reading that book but before I think reading Domain-Driven Design Distilled makes more sense, also there's a free to download DDD Reference available as well.

On YouTube I created a playlist that includes some of my favorite talks and webinars, feel free to explore that as well.

Project Structure

Talking specifically about microservices only, the structure I like to recommend is the following, everything using < and > depends on the domain being implemented and the bounded context being defined.

  • build/: defines the code used for creating infrastructure as well as docker containers.
    • <cloud-providers>/: define concrete cloud provider.
    • <executableN>/: contains a Dockerfile used for building the binary.
  • cmd/
    • <primary-server>/: uses primary database.
    • <replica-server>/: uses readonly databases.
    • <binaryN>/
  • db/
    • migrations/: contains database migrations.
    • seeds/: contains file meant to populate basic database values.
  • internal/: defines the core domain.
    • <datastoreN>/: a concrete repository used by the domain, for example postgresql
    • http/: defines HTTP Handlers.
    • service/: orchestrates use cases and manages transactions.
  • pkg/ public API meant to be imported by other Go package.

There are cases where requiring a new bounded context is needed, in those cases the recommendation would be to define a package like internal/<bounded-context> that then should follow the same structure, for example:

  • internal/<bounded-context>/
    • internal/<bounded-context>/<datastoreN>
    • internal/<bounded-context>/http
    • internal/<bounded-context>/service


Please refer to the documentation in internal/tools/.


Icons meaning:

  • YouTube video means a link to Youtube video.
  • Blog post means a link to Blog post.

In no particular order:

More ideas

Running project locally using Docker Compose

Originally added as part of Building Microservices In Go: Containerization with Docker, docker compose has evolved and with it the way to run everything locally. Make sure you are running a recent version of Docker Compose. The configuration in this repository and the instructions below are known to work for at least the following versions:

  • Engine: 27.4.0, and
  • Compose: v2.31.0-desktop.2

This project takes advantage of Go's build constrains and Docker's arguments to build the ElasticSearch indexers and to run the rest-server using any of the following types of message broker:

  • Redis (default one)
  • RabbitMQ
  • Kafka

The docker compose instructions are executed in the form of:

docker compose -f compose.yml -f compose.<type>.yml <command>


  • <type>: Indicates what message broker to use, and effectively match the compose filename itself. The three supported values are:
    1. rabbitmq,
    2. kafka, and
    3. redis (default value when building the rest-server binary).
  • <command>: Indicates the docker compose command to use.

For example to build images using RabbitMQ as the message broker you execute:

docker compose -f compose.yml -f compose.rabbitmq.yml build

Then to start the containers you execute:

docker compose -f compose.yml -f compose.rabbitmq.yml up

Once you all the containers are up you can access the Swagger UI at .


To start a local HTTP server that serves a graphical editor:

mdl serve -dir docs/diagrams/

To generate JSON artifact for uploading to structurizr:

stz gen


Go microservice tutorial project using Domain Driven Design and Onion Architecture!

License:MIT License


Language:Go 93.9%Language:HTML 2.9%Language:Dockerfile 2.2%Language:Makefile 1.0%Language:Shell 0.0%