

Geek Repo

Welcome to my GitHub repository! Here you'll find a collection of my projects, each showcasing my skills and passion for coding. From web development to data an

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mario-MagdyCs's repositories


A web application designed to streamline clinic management tasks including medicine inventory, conflict checking, prescription reading, and schedule creation. Built using EJS, Express.js, Node.js, and MySQL, this system offers efficient management solutions for clinics. Contributions welcome, licensed under MIT.



This project leverages AI to detect fraudulent credit card transactions, employing machine learning and anomaly detection methods for accurate and efficient identification of suspicious activities. Contributions welcome, licensed under MIT.



is a Python project for automatic license plate detection and recognition. It's suited for surveillance or traffic monitoring, with advanced plate detection, character segmentation, and OCR. Contributions welcome, licensed under MIT. Dependencies: Python 3.x, OpenCV, Tesseract OCR.



Designed and developed a robust bank management system as a prominent university project, leveraging the power of Java and JavaFX. This comprehensive application effectively handles various banking operations, including customer management, account transactions, and report generation. With a user‑friendly interface and intuitive navigation



Developed an advanced Sudoku solver utilizing state space tree as the underlying data structure and implementing backtracking algorithm for efficient solving. Leveraged Qt framework to create a user‑friendly interface, enhancing the usability and visual appeal of the application.



The Library Management System is a software application that allows efficient management and organization of a library's resources, including books, journals, and other materials. This system helps librarians streamline their daily tasks and provides users with an accessible and user-friendly platform to search and borrow books.



Our website(Re-Estate) provides a huge database for many different locations around the world specially Egypt which allow the user to search, filter and pick his favorite place according to his specifications ,also users who tend to buy any property can easily add it to their cart to easy come back to or purchase instantly



Welcome to Empower the groundbreaking web app championing job market inclusivity. We streamline job applications for disabled individuals and empower HR professionals with AI-driven PDF text extraction for seamless job posting and screening. Key features include user-friendly applications, AI text extraction, content analysis.



Scramble Game: Test your word-solving skills with this engaging puzzle game. Unscramble randomly generated words by rearranging their jumbled letters to correctly guess the original word. Challenge yourself with various difficulty levels and expand your vocabulary while having fun.
