Margenom / diary

Simple program for manage diary with categories (tags)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tips to usage: configuration store in bashrc as alias

and no edit records like in real diary (utime in name help you)
categories need for defenition diffirent types of diary

Program for catalogized diary

	create record
more [-t=<time, se -timescan def now>|-u=<utime, unix time>] [-e=<editor, def EDITOR>]
	safe file into cat
safe <file> <cat> [-r=<row of cat, def end>]
	app line of data into cat
app <data> <cat> [-r=<row>]
	show records in category (rules can control interpritation line)
show <cat> [-n line numeration] [-l=<limit>] [-p=<pager>] 
	add last record into cat or add record onto last of category
last [<cat>, else show last] [-l=<record>] [-r=<row>]
	show records from diary use <viewer> without files and cats
member [-tfrom=<-||->|-ufrom=<utime, def 0>] [-tto=<to, eq from def now>|-uto=<-||->] [-p=<pager>]
	add record to timestamped list, or show it
log <log file> <descr part 0> .. <part n> [-t=<time>|-u=<utime>]
log <log file> [-p=<pager, def cat>] [-h hide date] 

Configuration params (no config files)

-home=<here your collections: records, cats, files. logs>
[-record-type=<record type search patern, def '(?:^|.*/)\d{9,11}$'>]
[-listext=<list file extention, def 'ls'>]
[-timescan=<format for time scaning, def '%Y%m%d%H%M'>]
[-timeformat=<use while printing, def '%a %d.%m (%Y) %H:%M {%s}'>]
[-show-rules=<rules how interpritate cat line, def '
{{regexp [pam record-type] $ln} {return "==> [mytime $ln]\n[read-exec "cat [myhome $ln]"]"}}
{{regexp [types-ext {text txt}] $ln name ext} {return "==> $ln\n[read-exec "cat [myhome $ln]"]"}}
{{expr 1} {return "=-=> $ln"}}'>]


Simple program for manage diary with categories (tags)

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Tcl 100.0%