MarcusGitAccount / traffic-simulation-cluj-napoca

Prototyping a traffic simulator for Cluj-Napoca using html5 canvas and a lot of maths and basic AI.

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Traffic Simulator for Cluj-Napoca

!! Not fully documented repo, future updates will fix this.


This projects aims to create a traffic simulator for Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The firsts steps are to choose a zone to represent(in this case Mihai Viteazu Square, main central area of the town as seen in the printscreen below) on the scene(canvas) and create a prototype that will be used in the near future to develop the traffic AI and roads and road logic.

Currently developed

  • Roadsystem created with a multigraph and linked lists of 2D vectors. (as seen here:
  • Math utils for linear algebra problems that occured during the project development and more.
  • Mockup api for fetching the points for the roads.
  • Data structures such as Queue, Stack, BinaryHeap, PriorityQueue, LinkedList, Multigraph etc..
  • Models such as Road, Car (they are currently in development)

Currently working on:

  • Updating the Car model and creating the AI for cars. (will be using graphs to easy work with distances between cars)
  • Updating the Road model
  • Enhancing the API.
  • 2D Car representation and physics (acceleration, deceleration, braking, ground friction, steering, maintaining distance from objects near, overtaking other cars in the same lane, changing lanes, etc..)
  • Creating a 2D Vector model with the basic operations needed and putting togheter the existing utilitary functions in the the class Vector2D
  • Changing the road friction based on the weather type(dry road = standard, wet road, snowy, etc..)


  • create a user dashboard for inserting multiple cars
  • create an interface for users to select the area of the city to simulate traffic on
  • create weather conditions
  • add road obstacles


  • clone the repo
  • npm i
  • npm start


  • . You may have to change the environment variables IP and PORT as they are by default set to and 8080.
  • . No transcripters/loaders such as babel are used to transforms the ES6 code. The project makes use of the ES6 module system and await/async implemented in Chromes 61's V8 engine.
  • . The api is currently just a mockup that sends data collected from Google Maps by hand. :(

Technologies used:

  • NodeJS version > 8.5.0
  • ES6 JS
  • 2D canvas api


License link(gplv3)


Prototyping a traffic simulator for Cluj-Napoca using html5 canvas and a lot of maths and basic AI.


Language:JavaScript 97.9%Language:HTML 2.1%