MarcoAGP / TermuxDisableProcces

a help for those who don't have root or computer to disable the termux error processes

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Termux Disable Proccess Error 9 Kill (No ROOT | NO COMPUTER)

a help for those who don't have root or computer to disable the termux error processes


  • Android 12+ (tested on ROM AOSP, for a better experience)
  • Connection Wi-Fi

Tutorial (Video):

Video Uploaded On Youtube

Deactivation Instructions (ADB):

On an ADB console, paste the following commands on the following order:

 adb shell "/system/bin/device_config set_sync_disabled_for_tests persistent"
 adb shell "/system/bin/device_config put activity_manager max_phantom_processes 2147483647"
 adb shell settings put global settings_enable_monitor_phantom_procs false

if your cell phone is Samsung brand, you may have to do this first (Termux/terminal):

 export ADB_SERVER_SOCKET=localfilesystem:$(pwd)/adb_socket
 adb start-server
 adb devices

Download of Termux (with Monet-You):

download termux with the latest version. it's important to keep up to date!


a help for those who don't have root or computer to disable the termux error processes