MarcinMoskala / kotlin-coroutines-recipes

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Kotlin Coroutines Recipes

This repository contains Kotlin Coroutines functions that are useful in everyday projects. Feel free to use them in your projects, both as a dependency, or by copy-pasting my code. Also feel free to share your own functions, that you find useful, but remamber that they need to be properly tested.


Add the dependency in your module build.gradle(.kts):

// build.gradle / build.gradle.kts
dependencies {

Add it in your root build.gradle(.kts) at the repositories block:

// build.gradle
repositories {
    // ...
    maven { url '' }

// build.gradle.kts
repositories {
    // ...

This library can currently be used on Kotlin/JVM, Kotlin/JS and in common modules



Function mapAsync allows you to concurrently map a collection of elements to a collection of results of suspending functions. It is useful when you want to run multiple suspending functions in parallel. You can limit the number of concurrent operations by passing concurrency parameter.

suspend fun getCourses(requestAuth: RequestAuth?, user: User): List<UserCourse> =
        .mapAsync { composeUserCourse(user, it) }
        .filterNot { courseShouldBeHidden(user, it) }
        .sortedBy { it.state.ordinal }

See implementation.


Function retryWhen allows you to retry an operation when a given predicate is true. It is useful when you want to retry an operation multiple times under certain conditions.

// Example
suspend fun checkConnection(): Boolean = retryWhen(
    predicate = { _, retries -> retries < 3 },
    operation = { api.connected() }

See implementation.


Function retryBackoff implements exponential backoff algorithm for retrying an operation. It is useful when you want to retry an operation multiple times with increasing delay between retries.

fun observeUserUpdates(): Flow<User> = api
        minDelay = 1.seconds,
        maxDelay = 1.minutes, // optional
        maxAttempts = 30, // optional
        backoffFactor = 2.0, // optional
        jitterFactor = 0.1, // optional
        beforeRetry = { cause, _, _ -> // optional
            println("Retrying after $cause")
        retriesExhausted = { cause -> // optional
            println("Retries exhausted after $cause")

suspend fun fetchUser(): User = retryBackoff(
    minDelay = 1.seconds,
    maxDelay = 10.seconds, // optional
    maxAttempts = 10, // optional
    backoffFactor = 1.5, // optional
    jitterFactor = 0.5, // optional
    beforeRetry = { cause, _, -> // optional
        println("Retrying after $cause")
    retriesExhausted = { cause -> // optional
        println("Retries exhausted after $cause")
) {

See implementation.


Function raceOf allows you to run multiple suspending functions in parallel and return the result of the first one that finishes.

suspend fun fetchUserData(): UserData = raceOf(
    { service1.fetchUserData() },
    { service2.fetchUserData() }

See implementation.


Function suspendLazy allows you to create a function that represents a lazy suspending property. It is useful when you want to create a suspending property that is initialized only once, but you don't want to block the thread that is accessing it.

val userData: suspend () -> UserData = suspendLazy {

suspend fun getUserData(): UserData = userData()

See implementation.


Class SharedDataSource allows you to reuse the same flow data sources created based on a key. It makes sure there is no more than a single active shared flow for a given key. It is useful when you want to reuse the same shared flow for multiple subscribers.

val sharedDataSource = SharedDataSource<String, Flow<String>>(scope) { userId ->

fun observeMessages(userId: String): Flow<String> = sharedDataSource.get(userId)

See implementation.


Class StateDataSource allows you to reuse the same state flow created based on a key. It makes sure there is no more than a single active state flow for a given key. It is useful when you want to reuse the same state flow for multiple subscribers.

val usersState = StateDataSource<String, Flow<String>>(scope) { userId ->

fun observeUserState(userId: String): Flow<User> = usersState.get(userId)

See implementation.



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