March-mitsuki / white-logger

a very simple node and browser logger with only one dependency

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A very simple nodejs and browser logger with only one dependency.

white-logger is now released in statable version 1.0.0

And there is a BREAKING CHANGE, please see this document for details.


  • Only one dependency. Use Luxon for dealing with dates and times.
  • Pretty print.
  • Native TypeScript.
  • Circular safe.


npm i white-logger



use typescript or ESM

import { nodelogger as logger } from "white-logger/node";

logger.normal("normal-level", "normal reported.");"info here", "something reported.", {
  hello: "world",
logger.warn("notice", "something warnning.", ["foo", "baz"]);
logger.err("oops!", "something error!");

You will get like this in your console.

log preview img

By default, white-logger will automatically tracks all calls and print them. Easy to find out the problem, right?

And white-logger can also automatically output logs to a file. If you want to do this, please configure some setting like this.

import { nodelogger as logger, configLogger } from "white-logger/node";
import path from "path";

// By setting the logPath option, white-logger will write the log to files automatically.
  logPath: path.resolve(process.cwd(), "logs"),

// Will be written to <project_root>/logs/<timestamp>_info.log"some-info", "something reported.");

Depending on the level, the logs will be written to different files.

  • logger.normal will write to <timestamp>_normal.log
  • will write to <timestamp>_info.log
  • logger.warn will write to <timestamp>_warn.log
  • logger.err will write to <timestamp>_err.log

Timestamp will change from day to day. So, the logs are output to a different file each day.

You can also only pass a relative path, white-logger will resolve it to your project root directory automatically.

  // Same as above, logs will write to <project_root_dir>/logs
  logPath: "logs",

If you config a file output, you will get something like this.

file output preview

If you don't want auto-tracking to fill up your entire console, you can also turn it off when in development mode.

  // This will only work on development mode.
  // In production mode, The trace is forced to be output.
  trace: false,

use CommonJS

const { nodelogger } = require("white-logger/node");

nodelogger.normal("normal-level", "normal reported.");

You can also import with a name of your choice.

const mylogger = require("white-logger/node").nodelogger;

mylogger.normal("normal-level", "normal reported.");


You can use white-logger in any framework. Like vue or react.

// Please note that the esm module is in esm directory.
import { browserlogger as logger } from "white-logger/esm/browser";

logger.normal("normal-level", "normal reported.");"info here", "something reported.", {
  hello: "world",
logger.warn("notice", "something warnning.", ["foo", "baz"]);
logger.err("oops!", "something error!");

Open your console and you can see the results.

browser preview img

You can use configBrowserLogger function to configure your browser logger.

import { configBrowserLogger } from "white-logger/esm/browser";

  mode: "production",
  targetUrl: undefined,
  storagePrefix: undefined,

By default, browser logger running in development mode.

  • In development mode, browser logger will print log to console.
  • In production mode, will NOT print to console, but will do diffrently depending on the targetUrl or storage config.
    • If targetUrl defined, browser logger will post log to given url by use fetch api.
    • If storage defined, browser logger will save log into localStorage with given prefix string.
    • For more information, please see this document.


node logger

export type NodeLoggerConfig = {
  logPath?: string; // full or relative path to your logs directory
  logDateFmt: string; // Luxon format string
  filenameDateFmt: string; // Luxon format string
  trace?: boolean;

// default value
let __config__: NodeLoggerConfig = {
  logPath: undefined,
  logDateFmt: "yyyy'-'LL'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss Z",
  filenameDateFmt: "yyyy'-'LL'-'dd",
  trace: true,

About Luxon format string, please see this Luxon document

  • logPath: The path of directory that white-logger will write log to.
  • logDateFmt: The format of the date being printed to the console.
  • filenameDateFmt: The format of the date before being inserted into the output file.
  • For more infomation please see nodelogger document

browser logger

export type BrowserLoggerConfig = {
  mode: "development" | "production"; // browser logger mode
  logDateFmt: string; // luxon date format string
  targetUrl?: string; // fetch post url
  storagePrefix?: string; // localStorage item key prefix
  trace?: boolean;

// default value
let __config__: BrowserLoggerConfig = {
  mode: "development",
  logDateFmt: "yyyy'-'LL'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss Z",
  targetUrl: undefined,
  storagePrefix: undefined,
  trace: true

About Luxon format string, please see this Luxon document

  • mode: browser logger mode. For more information on the differences between the two modes of blogger please see this document.
  • logDateFmt: The format of the date being printed to the console.
  • targetUrl: Post url in production mode.
  • storagePrefix: localStorage prefix in production mode.
  • For more information, please see this document

Why is it call White logger?

"Any color you want, so long as it is Black."

So, White logger.


a very simple node and browser logger with only one dependency

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 65.0%Language:TypeScript 33.9%Language:HTML 0.9%Language:Shell 0.2%